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Bachelor's degree in Social Education

Bachelor's degree in Social Education

Academic year 2023-2024

The social educator is a professional who, through socio-educational intervention, works to improve the quality of life of individuals, groups and communities. They therefore intervene in the educational process to favour social integration and personal and community development, and they makes individuals, families and different groups in a region.

General information

General information

Name of the course:
Bachelor's degree in Social Education
Branch of knowledge:
Social and Judicial Sciences
4 years
European credits:
What qualifications can lead to:
Graduate in Social Education from the University of Girona
Teaching institution:
Faculty of Education and Psychology
Indicative number of places:
Last admission mark:

Grades required for the June 2023 examination call

Approx. price for the first year:

See How much does it costs to study at the University of Girona?

Valid report:
Report (2008)
Other information:
Monitoring indicators

It's useful to know

The bachelor's degree in Social Education aims to train professionals for socio-educational action who are able to contribute to the development of social cohesion and participation through education, and are able to undertake their functions in an intercultural and diverse context, taking into account fundamental rights, equal opportunities, and democratic values and the values of the culture of peace.

The degree programme provides students with knowledge of the reality on the ground, in the closest context (Catalonia and Spain) using the instruments that will enable students to work professionally in other contexts, promoting student mobility over the course of the degree programme.

Skills acquired

The skills acquired will allow the following tasks:

  • Prevention of situations of social risk, exclusion and maladjustment.
  • Vocational training and professional insertion of groups in situations of social exclusion.
  • Promotion of individuals, groups and communities to improve their quality of life.
  • Promotion of education in free-time.


Access requirements

Upper secondary school education
Access: university entrance examinations (PAU), general stage. Admission: weighting of subjects examined in the university entrance examinations (PAU) linked to the branch of knowledge of Social and Legal Sciences.
Higher level training cycles (CFGS).
Access: all CFGS. Admission: weighting of subjects examined in the university entrance examinations (PAU) linked to the branch of knowledge of Social and Legal Sciences.
Over 25 years old
Preferential option in successful entrance exam: social and legal sciences.
Over 40 years old
Assessment of professional experience relating to the bachelor's degree that the applicant wishes to be admitted to and sufficient interview outcome.
Over 45 years old
Entrance exam passed and favourable interview outcome.
Special types of access recognised under current regulations.

Another information on access

Pre-enrolment code:
Weighting parameters of the subjects in the specific phase of the PAU
Validated credit transfer from higher level training cycles
Validated subjects and credit transfers from higher level vocational training cycles


Social educators will be able to work, as direct-assistance professionals or as part of a multidisciplinary team, in three major areas of action:

  • The social services (primary-care social services; prison services; juvenile, infants, adolescence and family justice; people with disabilities; elderly people; drug addictions; mental health and so on).
  • Sociocultural animation and leisure-time education (areas of youth, culture and leisure of several authorities, leisure-time services and programmes, community-development programmes and services and promoting citizen participation, services aimed at sociocultural promotion etc.)
  • Ongoing education (transition-to-active-life programmes and occupational vocational training centres, refugee reception and training programmes, ethnic minorities and foreigners, participation in social and cultural community-promotion and revitalisation programmes etc.)

Continue studying

University master’s degrees

The UdG offers an extensive master’s-degree programme. Master's degree courses offer advanced, specialised or multidisciplinary training, aimed at providing students with an academic or professional specialism or an introduction to research. These are official courses that enable students to move on to study for a doctoral degree.

Doctorate degree programmes

The doctoral studies are aimed at providing students with advanced training in research techniques and include the preparation and presentation of a doctoral thesis, consisting of original research work. To join a doctoral programme you need to have a minimum of between 60 and 120 ECTS credits at official university master's degree level or equivalent.

Postgraduate courses and specialisation

The University of Girona Foundation: Innovation and Training is the centre that plays host to and organises ongoing educational activities to meet the needs ongoing higher-level education. If offers own masters, postgraduate courses, specialization courses and other postgraduate activities covering all areas of knowledge.


Curriculum Subjects offered for 2023-2024

Social educations and their actions12.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

L'educador social i la seva accióEl educador social y su acciónThe social educator and their actions  (3101G02033)

OBCompulsory 12.00 SSemester long YES

Theoretical and methodological trends in social education12.00 credits

Society, culture and education 12.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Societat, cultura i educació Sociedad, cultura y educación Society, culture and education   (3101G02035)

BBasic 12.00 SSemester long YES

Psychology as a tool for educational practice12.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

La psicologia com a eina per a la pràctica educativaLa psicología como herramienta para la práctica educativaPsychology as a tool for educational practice  (3101G02036)

BBasic 12.00 SSemester long YES

University student learning 16.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

L'aprenentatge de l'estudiant universitari 1El aprendizaje del estudiante universitario 1The learning process of the university student 1  (3101G02037)

BBasic 6.00 AAnnual YES

Learning through information and communication technologies6.00 credits

Social policies and legislation applicable to social education12.00 credits

Designing projects and basic strategies for socio-educational action12.00 credits

Socio-educational action in day-to-day life12.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Acció socioeducativa en contextos de vida quotidianaAcción socioeducativa en contextos de vida cotidianaSocial-educational activities in daily life contexts  (3101G02041)

OBCompulsory 12.00 AAnnual YES

Programmes and tools of socio-educational intervention12.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Programes i eines d'intervenció socioeducativaProgramas y herramientas de intervención socioeducativaProgrammes and tools for social educational intervention  (3101G02042)

OBCompulsory 12.00 SSemester long YES

University student learning - 26.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

L'aprenentatge de l'estudiant universitari 2El aprendizaje del estudiante universitario 2The learning process of the university student 2  (3101G02043)

OBCompulsory 6.00 AAnnual YES

Analysis of socio-educational situations 6.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Anàlisi de situacions d'acció socioeducativa Análisis de situaciones de acción socioeducativaAnalysis of social-education in action   (3101G02044)

OBCompulsory 6.00 AAnnual YES

Organisation, management and evaluation of socio-educational projects and services12.00 credits

Reflection and action in educational practice 24.00 credits

Advanced knowledge in socio-educational action areas or spaces 18.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Serveis i programes educatius per a jovesServicios y programas educativos para jóvenesYouth educational services and programmes  (3101G02003)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Gestió i dinamització culturalGestión y dinamización culturalManagement and cultural dynamisation  (3101G02004)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Dinamització de grups en educacióDinamización de grupos en educaciónGroups dynamics in education  (3101G02007)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Acció socioeducativa en l'àmbit de l'envellimentAcción socioeducativa en el ámbito del envejecimientoSoical educational for the elderly  (3101G02008)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'educador social en l'àmbit de l'atenció primària de serveis socialsEl educador social en el ámbito de la atención primaria de servicios socialesSocial educator in the field of primary attention social services  (3101G02009)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'acció socioeducativa en violència familiarLa acción socioeducativa en violencia familiarSocial educational addressing family violence  (3101G02010)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'acció de l'educador social en la promoció de l'autonomia i l'atenció a la dependènciaLa acción del educador social en la promoción de la autonomía y la atención a la dependenciaThe role of the social educator in promoting independent living and dependency care  (3101G02011)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Projectes artístics com a recurs socioeducatiuProyectos artísticos como recurso socioeducativoArt projects as a socio-educational resource  (3101G02013)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

La mediació comunitària i en contextos multiculturalsLa mediación comunitaria y en contextos multiculturalesCommunity mediation and mediation in multicultural contexts  (3101G02014)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Investigació-acció participativa per enfortir i dinamitzar grups i comunitatsInvestigación-acción participativa en la dinamización de grupos y comunidadesParticipatory action research to empower groups and communities  (3101G02015)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'educador social en l'àmbit de la justíciaEl educador social en el ámbito de la justiciaThe social educator in the field of justice  (3101G02016)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Acció socioeducativa en l'àmbit de la salut mentalAcción socioeducativa en el ámbito de la salud mentalSocial-education in mental health  (3101G02018)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'educador social en l'àmbit de les drogodependènciesEl educador social en el ámbito de las drogodependenciasThe social educator in the field of substance abuse and drug addiction   (3101G02024)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'educador social al sistema educatiu formalEl educador social en el sistema educativo formalThe social educator in the educational system  (3101G02026)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Programes de promoció de la salut i l'educació socialProgramas de promoción de la salud y la educación socialHealth programmes and social education  (3101G02027)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Programes d'acció educativa en situacions d'exclusióProgramas de acción educativa en situaciones de exclusiónEducational programmes in social exclusion contexts  (3101G02028)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Estratègies i tècniques de comunicació amb persones amb discapacitatEstrategias y técnicas de comunicación con personas con discapacidadCommunication strategies and techniques for people with disabilities   (3101G02029)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Adolescència i comportaments de riscAdolescencia y comportamientos de riesgoAdolescence and risk behaviours  (3101G02031)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Dificultats d'aprenentatgeDificultades de aprendizajeLearning difficulties  (3101G05038)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

El poble gitanoEl pueblo gitanoThe Roma community  (3101G06037)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Polítiques socials a la Unió EuropeaPolíticas sociales en la Unión EuropeaSocial policy in the European Union  (3101G06072)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Els nous contextos de diversitat culturalLos nuevos contextos de diversidad culturalNew cultural diversity contexts  (3101G05085)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Expertesa i transformació socialExperteza y transformación socialExpertise and social transformation  (3101G02048)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Suport a la diversitat sexual i de gènere en interveció educativa, social i psicològicaApoyo a la diversidad sexual y de género en intervención educativa, social y psicológicaSupport to sexual and gender diversity in educational, social and psychological intervention  (3101G00163)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Crisi ecosocial: de l’anàlisi a la intervenció Crisis ecosocial: del análisis a la intervención Ecosocial crisis: from analysis to intervention   (3101G00164)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'esport com a recurs socioeducatiuEl deporte como recurso socioeducativoSport as a social-educational resource  (3101G02005)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Organització i dinamització de projectes de lleure infantilOrganización y dinamización de proyectos de ocio infantilOrganisation and dynamisation of children’s leisure time projects  (3101G02006)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Mediació i orientació familiarMediación y orientación familiarFamily mediation and counselling  (3101G02012)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

L'educador social en infància i adolescència en riscEl educador social en infancia y adolescencia en riesgoThe social educator for at-risk children and youth  (3101G02017)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

L'educador social als serveis d'atenció de persones amb discapacitatEl educador social en los servicios de atención a personas con discapacidadThe social educator in care services for people with disabilities  (3101G02019)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Projectes de promoció de participació ciutadana i intervenció comunitàriaProyectos de promoción de participación ciudadana e intervención comunitariaProjects to encourage citizen participation  (3101G02020)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Educació i formació d'adultsEducación y formación de adultosAdult education and training  (3101G02021)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Programes de transició de joves a la vida activaProgramas de transición de jóvenes a la vida activaTransition to work youth programmes  (3101G02022)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

L'educador social en programes de cooperació pel desenvolupamentEl educador social en programas de cooperación para el desarrolloThe social educator’s role in development cooperation as a contribution to social improvement progra  (3101G02023)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Formació i inserció laboral de persones amb discapacitatFormación e inserción laboral de personas con discapacidadWork placement and training for people with disabilities  (3101G02025)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Les TIC i els audiovisuals com a recurs socioeducatiuLas TIC y los audiovisuales como recurso socioeducativoICT and audiovisuals as social education resources  (3101G02030)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Estrès i salutEstrés y saludStress and health  (3101G02032)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Practicum 230.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Pràcticum 2Prácticum 2Fieldwork 2  (3101G02045)

OBCompulsory 30.00 SSemester long YES

Bachelor's thesis12.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Treball final de grauTrabajo fin de gradoFinal project  (3101G02046)

OBCompulsory 12.00 SSemester long YES

Advanced knowledge in socio-educational action areas or spaces 18.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Serveis i programes educatius per a jovesServicios y programas educativos para jóvenesYouth educational services and programmes  (3101G02003)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Gestió i dinamització culturalGestión y dinamización culturalManagement and cultural dynamisation  (3101G02004)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Dinamització de grups en educacióDinamización de grupos en educaciónGroups dynamics in education  (3101G02007)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Acció socioeducativa en l'àmbit de l'envellimentAcción socioeducativa en el ámbito del envejecimientoSoical educational for the elderly  (3101G02008)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'educador social en l'àmbit de l'atenció primària de serveis socialsEl educador social en el ámbito de la atención primaria de servicios socialesSocial educator in the field of primary attention social services  (3101G02009)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'acció socioeducativa en violència familiarLa acción socioeducativa en violencia familiarSocial educational addressing family violence  (3101G02010)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'acció de l'educador social en la promoció de l'autonomia i l'atenció a la dependènciaLa acción del educador social en la promoción de la autonomía y la atención a la dependenciaThe role of the social educator in promoting independent living and dependency care  (3101G02011)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Projectes artístics com a recurs socioeducatiuProyectos artísticos como recurso socioeducativoArt projects as a socio-educational resource  (3101G02013)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

La mediació comunitària i en contextos multiculturalsLa mediación comunitaria y en contextos multiculturalesCommunity mediation and mediation in multicultural contexts  (3101G02014)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Investigació-acció participativa per enfortir i dinamitzar grups i comunitatsInvestigación-acción participativa en la dinamización de grupos y comunidadesParticipatory action research to empower groups and communities  (3101G02015)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'educador social en l'àmbit de la justíciaEl educador social en el ámbito de la justiciaThe social educator in the field of justice  (3101G02016)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Acció socioeducativa en l'àmbit de la salut mentalAcción socioeducativa en el ámbito de la salud mentalSocial-education in mental health  (3101G02018)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'educador social en l'àmbit de les drogodependènciesEl educador social en el ámbito de las drogodependenciasThe social educator in the field of substance abuse and drug addiction   (3101G02024)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'educador social al sistema educatiu formalEl educador social en el sistema educativo formalThe social educator in the educational system  (3101G02026)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Programes de promoció de la salut i l'educació socialProgramas de promoción de la salud y la educación socialHealth programmes and social education  (3101G02027)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Programes d'acció educativa en situacions d'exclusióProgramas de acción educativa en situaciones de exclusiónEducational programmes in social exclusion contexts  (3101G02028)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Estratègies i tècniques de comunicació amb persones amb discapacitatEstrategias y técnicas de comunicación con personas con discapacidadCommunication strategies and techniques for people with disabilities   (3101G02029)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Adolescència i comportaments de riscAdolescencia y comportamientos de riesgoAdolescence and risk behaviours  (3101G02031)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Dificultats d'aprenentatgeDificultades de aprendizajeLearning difficulties  (3101G05038)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

El poble gitanoEl pueblo gitanoThe Roma community  (3101G06037)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Polítiques socials a la Unió EuropeaPolíticas sociales en la Unión EuropeaSocial policy in the European Union  (3101G06072)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Els nous contextos de diversitat culturalLos nuevos contextos de diversidad culturalNew cultural diversity contexts  (3101G05085)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Expertesa i transformació socialExperteza y transformación socialExpertise and social transformation  (3101G02048)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Suport a la diversitat sexual i de gènere en interveció educativa, social i psicològicaApoyo a la diversidad sexual y de género en intervención educativa, social y psicológicaSupport to sexual and gender diversity in educational, social and psychological intervention  (3101G00163)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Crisi ecosocial: de l’anàlisi a la intervenció Crisis ecosocial: del análisis a la intervención Ecosocial crisis: from analysis to intervention   (3101G00164)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'esport com a recurs socioeducatiuEl deporte como recurso socioeducativoSport as a social-educational resource  (3101G02005)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Organització i dinamització de projectes de lleure infantilOrganización y dinamización de proyectos de ocio infantilOrganisation and dynamisation of children’s leisure time projects  (3101G02006)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Mediació i orientació familiarMediación y orientación familiarFamily mediation and counselling  (3101G02012)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

L'educador social en infància i adolescència en riscEl educador social en infancia y adolescencia en riesgoThe social educator for at-risk children and youth  (3101G02017)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

L'educador social als serveis d'atenció de persones amb discapacitatEl educador social en los servicios de atención a personas con discapacidadThe social educator in care services for people with disabilities  (3101G02019)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Projectes de promoció de participació ciutadana i intervenció comunitàriaProyectos de promoción de participación ciudadana e intervención comunitariaProjects to encourage citizen participation  (3101G02020)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Educació i formació d'adultsEducación y formación de adultosAdult education and training  (3101G02021)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Programes de transició de joves a la vida activaProgramas de transición de jóvenes a la vida activaTransition to work youth programmes  (3101G02022)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

L'educador social en programes de cooperació pel desenvolupamentEl educador social en programas de cooperación para el desarrolloThe social educator’s role in development cooperation as a contribution to social improvement progra  (3101G02023)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Formació i inserció laboral de persones amb discapacitatFormación e inserción laboral de personas con discapacidadWork placement and training for people with disabilities  (3101G02025)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Les TIC i els audiovisuals com a recurs socioeducatiuLas TIC y los audiovisuales como recurso socioeducativoICT and audiovisuals as social education resources  (3101G02030)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Estrès i salutEstrés y saludStress and health  (3101G02032)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Optional modules + academic recognition42.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Serveis i programes educatius per a jovesServicios y programas educativos para jóvenesYouth educational services and programmes  (3101G02003)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Gestió i dinamització culturalGestión y dinamización culturalManagement and cultural dynamisation  (3101G02004)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Dinamització de grups en educacióDinamización de grupos en educaciónGroups dynamics in education  (3101G02007)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Acció socioeducativa en l'àmbit de l'envellimentAcción socioeducativa en el ámbito del envejecimientoSoical educational for the elderly  (3101G02008)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'educador social en l'àmbit de l'atenció primària de serveis socialsEl educador social en el ámbito de la atención primaria de servicios socialesSocial educator in the field of primary attention social services  (3101G02009)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'acció socioeducativa en violència familiarLa acción socioeducativa en violencia familiarSocial educational addressing family violence  (3101G02010)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'acció de l'educador social en la promoció de l'autonomia i l'atenció a la dependènciaLa acción del educador social en la promoción de la autonomía y la atención a la dependenciaThe role of the social educator in promoting independent living and dependency care  (3101G02011)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Projectes artístics com a recurs socioeducatiuProyectos artísticos como recurso socioeducativoArt projects as a socio-educational resource  (3101G02013)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

La mediació comunitària i en contextos multiculturalsLa mediación comunitaria y en contextos multiculturalesCommunity mediation and mediation in multicultural contexts  (3101G02014)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Investigació-acció participativa per enfortir i dinamitzar grups i comunitatsInvestigación-acción participativa en la dinamización de grupos y comunidadesParticipatory action research to empower groups and communities  (3101G02015)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'educador social en l'àmbit de la justíciaEl educador social en el ámbito de la justiciaThe social educator in the field of justice  (3101G02016)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Acció socioeducativa en l'àmbit de la salut mentalAcción socioeducativa en el ámbito de la salud mentalSocial-education in mental health  (3101G02018)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'educador social en l'àmbit de les drogodependènciesEl educador social en el ámbito de las drogodependenciasThe social educator in the field of substance abuse and drug addiction   (3101G02024)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'educador social al sistema educatiu formalEl educador social en el sistema educativo formalThe social educator in the educational system  (3101G02026)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Programes de promoció de la salut i l'educació socialProgramas de promoción de la salud y la educación socialHealth programmes and social education  (3101G02027)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Programes d'acció educativa en situacions d'exclusióProgramas de acción educativa en situaciones de exclusiónEducational programmes in social exclusion contexts  (3101G02028)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Estratègies i tècniques de comunicació amb persones amb discapacitatEstrategias y técnicas de comunicación con personas con discapacidadCommunication strategies and techniques for people with disabilities   (3101G02029)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Adolescència i comportaments de riscAdolescencia y comportamientos de riesgoAdolescence and risk behaviours  (3101G02031)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Dificultats d'aprenentatgeDificultades de aprendizajeLearning difficulties  (3101G05038)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

El poble gitanoEl pueblo gitanoThe Roma community  (3101G06037)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Polítiques socials a la Unió EuropeaPolíticas sociales en la Unión EuropeaSocial policy in the European Union  (3101G06072)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Els nous contextos de diversitat culturalLos nuevos contextos de diversidad culturalNew cultural diversity contexts  (3101G05085)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Expertesa i transformació socialExperteza y transformación socialExpertise and social transformation  (3101G02048)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Suport a la diversitat sexual i de gènere en interveció educativa, social i psicològicaApoyo a la diversidad sexual y de género en intervención educativa, social y psicológicaSupport to sexual and gender diversity in educational, social and psychological intervention  (3101G00163)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

Crisi ecosocial: de l’anàlisi a la intervenció Crisis ecosocial: del análisis a la intervención Ecosocial crisis: from analysis to intervention   (3101G00164)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long YES

L'esport com a recurs socioeducatiuEl deporte como recurso socioeducativoSport as a social-educational resource  (3101G02005)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Organització i dinamització de projectes de lleure infantilOrganización y dinamización de proyectos de ocio infantilOrganisation and dynamisation of children’s leisure time projects  (3101G02006)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Mediació i orientació familiarMediación y orientación familiarFamily mediation and counselling  (3101G02012)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

L'educador social en infància i adolescència en riscEl educador social en infancia y adolescencia en riesgoThe social educator for at-risk children and youth  (3101G02017)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

L'educador social als serveis d'atenció de persones amb discapacitatEl educador social en los servicios de atención a personas con discapacidadThe social educator in care services for people with disabilities  (3101G02019)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Projectes de promoció de participació ciutadana i intervenció comunitàriaProyectos de promoción de participación ciudadana e intervención comunitariaProjects to encourage citizen participation  (3101G02020)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Educació i formació d'adultsEducación y formación de adultosAdult education and training  (3101G02021)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Programes de transició de joves a la vida activaProgramas de transición de jóvenes a la vida activaTransition to work youth programmes  (3101G02022)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

L'educador social en programes de cooperació pel desenvolupamentEl educador social en programas de cooperación para el desarrolloThe social educator’s role in development cooperation as a contribution to social improvement progra  (3101G02023)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Formació i inserció laboral de persones amb discapacitatFormación e inserción laboral de personas con discapacidadWork placement and training for people with disabilities  (3101G02025)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Les TIC i els audiovisuals com a recurs socioeducatiuLas TIC y los audiovisuales como recurso socioeducativoICT and audiovisuals as social education resources  (3101G02030)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Estrès i salutEstrés y saludStress and health  (3101G02032)

OPOptional 3.00 SSemester long Not

Calendar and timetables

Through the following links you can access the calendars and timetables that correspond to this bachelor's degree.

The academic calendar marks the beginning and end of classes, non-teaching days, holidays, exam periods, and so on. The administrative calendar marks the periods to make the different formalities administrative.


External placements, that is, internships in socio-educational area centres, are one of the key elements in social-educator training at the University of Girona. We call these placements "practicum": Practicum 1 is carried out in the third year, and Practicum 2 in the fourth. Next you will find a summary of the basic characteristics of each work placement.

Bachelor's thesis

The bachelor's thesis (TFG) is a project where the student applies, integrates and develops the expertise, capacities, competencies and skills required in the Bachelor's Degree in Social Education.

The objective of the bachelor's thesis is to produce a piece of individual written work on a specific issue related to social education and the working areas of the educator. The work has to show that the student has analysed documentation about the subject of the work, has reflected on it and is able to formulate a specific proposal.

Projects can be carried out based on one of the following proposals, whose feasibility will depend on the subject chosen. These can be:

  • Research with a methodology that includes collecting, analysing and interpreting data.
  • Designing an intervention proposal or a project.
  • Preparing educational material.
  • Preparing a needs diagnosis or analysis of a group or community, to be used as basis for a project.
  • Designing tools for recording information or documents.
  • A proposal for improving a project or service.
  • Any other proposal agreed to with the project's tutor.

The bachelor's thesis is worked on during the second semester and supervised by a teacher who monitors it through group tutorials or seminars with students working on similar subjects. The work will be consolidated in an article and it will be publicly exhibited.


The Bachelor's Degree in Social Education promotes the option to study at other universities, both in Catalonia and Spain or other European countries. The UdG has signed bilateral agreements as part of the student mobility programmes. The SICUE programme gives you to places on the exchange programmes with the following universities: University of Malaga, University of Extremadura, University of the Basque Country, University of the Balearic Islands, Complutense University of Madrid, University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Lleida, Universitat Rovira i Virgili and Universitat de València.

Under the European Erasmus programme you can carry out part of your course at several universities and social-educator training centres in cities such as Eindhoven and Rotterdam (the Netherlands), Gant and Hasselt (Belgium), Marseille (France), Perpignan and Toulouse (France), Helsinki (Finland).

You will also have a possibility to do placements abroad in your 4th year course in centres and organisations in Latin American countries such as Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina, Nepal, Morocco.


First year enrolment


Once the Catalan government has allocated you your place, you will receive an email from the UdG with your user code and a link for setting your password, as well as links to online enrolment applications and information on enrolling on your bachelor's degree studies. If you do not receive the message, fill in and send the user-account application form for newly admitted students for the academic year.


Use the link provided in the message to set your password. The user code and the password make up your digital identity as a UdG student and will allow you to access the university's online services.


Use your user code and password to access the online enrolment and check the enrolment period assigned to you. If the period has already started, the application will inform you that you can start your enrolment.


Click on the Grants and allowances tab. If you are entitled to any discounts that are not recognised, you will have the option to start the recognition procedure by pressing the corresponding "Request” button and attaching scans of the necessary documentation. Your school’s secretary's office will validate the documents so that, where appropriate, you can enjoy the corresponding discount on your enrolment or free enrolment.


Review the enrolment information on your bachelor's-degree studies and see the Basic Guide for online enrolment on first-year bachelor's-degree studies.


Formalise your online enrolment following the guide's instructions. If you have queries, contact the secretary’s office at your teaching institution. Remember you must enrol before the deadline provided for, otherwise, you will lose your place.

Check the subjects for which you can enrol in the section Subjects > Available subjects 2023-2024 of the website for your bachelor's degree studies.
Consult the enrolment fees and deductions available to you.
You can pay the enrolment fee in full, in two or three instalments or in monthly instalments. See the terms and conditions in the Enrolment Regulations.
If you have applied for the MEFP general scholarship and you meet the academic requirements established in the call for applications, you will be able to enrol without paying the public fees (subject to the subsequent award of the scholarship).
Third language
If your degree course requires a level of knowledge of a third language to obtain the qualification and you already have a recognised certificate of this level or higher, we recommend that you present it together with the rest of the documentation required for the first enrolment. Check the Regulations about a third language.
If you are under 28 years old, you are obliged to take out compulsory school insurance for €1.12 per year. If you are over 28 years old, you will be covered by a compulsory accident insurance for 6.65 euros per course. Further information on the Insurance policies page.
Bear in mind that if you do not pass a minimum of 30 credits in the first two years, you will not be able to continue the same course at the UdG. Check the Rules for staying.

Spanish nationals do not need to produce their national ID (DNI) unless they opposed the University of Girona's collection of personal data during their online enrolment (see the guide for online enrolment).

If you are a national of a EU member state, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland or Andorra, you will need to present a valid ID or passport from your country of origin.

Otherwise you will preferably need to present a valid foreign-national identification care (TIE) or passport if do you not have a TIE.

You will need to attach a scanned copy of the document through the corresponding online procedure and present the original in person at the academic secretary’s office.

For online submissions you can use “Application to the administration” procedure in the online procedures section of the Virtual Secretary’s Office, preferably, or (with digital certificate) the UdG’s e-register.

You have until the 21 November to submit the document.
Admission documents
If you have been admitted to the UdG through university pre-enrolment, from PAU, CFGS, admission exams for individuals over the age of 25, 40 or 45 or university degree obtained from the UdG, you will not need to produce any documents.

If you have been admitted to the UdG through university pre-enrolment, from a university degree completed at another university, you will need to forward a copy of your degree online (e-degree or authenticated digital copy of the degree) or provisional degree certificate (with digital signature and CSV), or produce the original in person at the academic secretary's office.

If you have been admitted to the UdG through academic record transfer or university pre-enrolment from a university degree started at another university, you will have to send proof, online, of payment, of your transfer fees, signed electronically and with SVC, or present the original in person at the secretary’s academic office.

For online submissions of documents, you can use “Application to the administration” procedure in the online procedures section of the Virtual Secretary’s Office, preferably, or (with digital certificate) the UdG’s e-register.

You have until the 21 November to submit the documents.
Allowances and exemptions
Before you register, review the self-enrolment’s "Grants and allowances" tab. If you are entitled to allowances that are recorded as accredited and are valid on the date of the start of the academic year (12 September), you will not need to produce any documents.

If you are entitled to allowances that are not recorded as accredited, you can start the accreditation procedure by clicking on the corresponding "Request" button, and uploading the necessary documents there for applying the corresponding enrolment discount or payment exemption.

You can also use the “Document Accreditation” procedure from the online procedures section of the Virtual Secretary’s Office, preferably (with digital certificate) the electronic register of the UdG, or to produce the documents in person at the academic secretary's office.

If your documents are currently being processed or pending renewal, you will not be eligible for the enrolment-fee discount, but presentations of updated documents will be accepted up to 31 December for subsequently regularising your situation.
Further information from the Allowances and Loans page.
Bank details
If you are not the holder of the bank account from which the registration fee will be paid by direct debit, you must submit the completed bank details notification/ modification form and proof of identification for the account holder.

For online submissions of documents you will have to use the “Communicating or amending bank details” procedure in the online procedures section of the Virtual Secretary’s Office, preferably, or (with digital certificate) the UdG’s e-register.

These documents will have to be produced within a period of 10 work days as from the date of enrolment.
Enrolment application (only for face-to-face enrolment)
If you not enrol online (online enrolment), you will have to fill in an enrolment-application document for the teaching centre. The centre itself will provide you with the document and which you will have submit duly filled in and signed on the day of enrolment.
After you have enrolled, you will need to produce a personal photograph through the La meva UdG intranet (Staff > digital Identity), in accordance with the instructions provided on the same webpage.
Note: accreditation by electronic means is not definitive, except in the case of original electronic documents or authentic electronic copies. The UdG reserves the right to request the corresponding physical documentation at a later date.

Online enrolment

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