Master’s degrees in Education and Psychology > Human Resources > Placements
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Master in Human Resources, Talent Management and Employment Advice


Supervised professional and/or research placements are designed to immerse students in the professional reality of organisations (public, private or third sector), where they can act as professionals in training under appropriate supervision, putting into practice the knowledge and skills acquired in the theoretical and practical subjects of their bachelor’s degrees and postgraduate courses. Supervised professional placements are carried out under the tutelage of professionals with appropriate accreditation, as determined in advance by the Master’s Degree Board.

By completing a placement, students are expected to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Develop training plans in the context of the placement.
  • Develop selection processes in the context of the placement.
  • Apply legal and contractual instruments in the context of the placement.
  • Carry out measures to prevent psychosocial risks in the context of the placement.
  • Show assertive behaviour in the context of the placement.
  • Take steps to help create a non-violent work environment in the context of the placement.
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses in one’s performance in the context of the placement.
  • Show proactivity in solving issues that come up in the placement.

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