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Doctoral Programme in Education

Doctoral Programme in Education

Academic year 2023-2024

General information

General information

Doctoral Programme in Education
Faculty of Education and Psychology
Indicative number of places
Number of registered students
Official enrolment data
Valid report:
Report (2022)
Other information
AQU Indicators


Why might it be useful to do the doctoral degree in Education?

  • To collaborate with research groups that work closely with the territory, promoting research that aims to respond to the need for change and improvements in the socio-educational field.
  • To take part in research projects linked to improving the social participation of vulnerable groups.
  • To carry out collaborative research projects with professionals in socio-educational fields aimed at transforming and improving educational practices.
  • To know and to put into practice innovative research methodologies that seek to bring about social change through the participation of people in the research processes that affect them.
  • To learn the skills that will enable the students to lead educational research processes that, whether in school, socioeducational or sociocultural environments, will help to ensure the social inclusion of all people.

Learning objectives

The main objective of the Doctoral Programme in Education is to train high level researchers in this field of knowledge. Participating in this doctoral programme are three research teams (Didactics and Educational Innovation in the Education System, Educational and Social Inclusion, and Educational, Social and Cultural Policies) that undertake their activity at the University of Girona in nine lines of research which enable students on the programme to be offered:: 1) Regarding the specialisation, a diverse range of lines that cover the main questions of the day in the field of educational research; 2) At a methodological level, experience in the use of varied techniques and methodologies of educational research that will enable the analysis of complex problems and the elaboration of innovative proposals for improvement; 3) A network of contacts that will give students the opportunity to benefit from exchanges, participation in international seminars and from placements at foreign centres, and 4) The possibility of developing a doctoral thesis in the field of Education with the maximum guarantees of rigour throughout the production and presentation process.

Lines of research

1. Assessment of educational programmes of knowledge of the environment, environmental education and sustainability.

Potential doctoral-thesis research directors: Dr Raquel Heras Colas, Dr Anna M. Geli de Ciurana, Dr Jaume Ametller Leal, Dr Jesús Granados Sánchez, Dr Rosa M. Medir Huerta

Tutors: Dr Jaume Ametller LealDr Rosa M. Medir Huerta, Dr Raquel Heras Colas

2. Mathematical and linguistic education

Potential doctoral thesis research directors: Dr Àngel Alsina Pastells, Dr Sílvia Llach Carles, Dr Jordi Cicres, Dr Paula López Serentill

Tutors: Dr Àngel Alsina PastellsDr Sílvia Llach Carles and Dr Jordi Cicres

3. Innovation and improving educational practices: organisational models, technological resources and intervention programmes

Potential directive investigators of doctoral theses: Dr. Juan González Martínez, Dr. Joan Teixidó Saballs, Dr. Marta Peracaula i Dr. Montserrat Tesouro CidDr. Joan Puiggali Allepuz

Tutors: Dr Juan González MartínezDr Joan Teixidó SaballsDr Marta PeracaulaDr Montserrat Tesouro Cid

4. Migrations and education

Potential doctoral thesis directors: Dr Carles Serra Salame

Tutors: Dr Carles Serra Salame

5. Mentoring of ethnic minorities and projects to support academic success

Potential doctoral thesis directors: Dr Jordi Feu Gelis, Dr Oscar Prieto Flores, Dr Francesc Xavier Casademont Falguera

Tutors: Dr. Jordi Feu GelisDr. Oscar Prieto Flores

6. Disability and education

Potential directive investigators of doctoral theses: Dr. Judit Fullana Noell, Dr. Montserrat Vilà Suñé, Dr. Maria Pallisera Díaz, Dr. Carolina Puyaltó RoviraDr. Gemma Díaz Garolera

Tutors: Dr. Judit Fullana NoellDr. Montserrat Vilà SuñéDr. Maria Pallisera Díaz

7. Young people, participation processes, social policies and educational programmes

Potential directive investigators of doctoral theses: Dr. Pere Soler Masó, Dr. Anna Planas Lladó, Dr. José Antonio Langarita Adiego, Dr. Joaquim Brugué Torroella, Dr. Edgar Iglesias Vidal, Dr. Francisco Calvo GarciaDr. Carme Trull Oliva i Dr. Xavier Casademont

Tutors: Dr Pere Soler MasóDr Anna Planas LladóDr José Antonio Langarita AdiegoDr Joaquim Brugué Torroella

8. Cultural cooperation and development

Potential doctoral thesis directors: Dr. Eliseu Carbonell Camós 

Tutors: Dr. Eliseu Carbonell Camós 

9. Gender, education and social inclusion

Potential doctoral thesis directors: Dr. Patricia Melgar Alcantud

Tutors: Dr. Patricia Melgar Alcantud


The Doctoral Programme in Education is governed by Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, which establishes the organisation of official doctoral studies programmes. The access requirements are those set out in this Royal Decree and which can be consulted at the following web address

Admission criteria

  1. Previous training in the field of education, which will be appraised from the academic record. (30%)
  2. Previous knowledge related to the preferred line of research, which will be appraised based on the academic-professional curriculum vitae. (25%)
  3. Motivation to carry out the doctoral degree in one of the lines of the programme, which will be appraised from a personal letter or interview with the candidate. (25%)
  4. Level of knowledge of foreign languages (10%)
  5. Level of knowledge of ICTs applied to educational research (10%)

Note: Definitive acceptance onto the doctoral degree programme is conditional upon acceptance by one of the programme's researchers, by tutors and/or the director of the doctoral thesis.

Training courses

Regarding educational activities, the School of Doctoral Studies organises courses, seminars and other cross-disciplinary educational activities (soft skills) directed at research training and assisting with the writing and presentation of the doctoral thesis. We ask that the courses be given in English as our language of choice, although Catalan is the language most frequently used. They are generally 10-hour courses or seminars. There are a series of activities that are transferable and are of interest to all doctoral programmes, and others that are specific to a particular doctoral programme 

Educational course catalogue


You need to know

Doctoral student guide

Doctoral programme in Education
Assessment criteria for special doctoral degree awards

The criteria for the doctoral degree special award for our programme have now been established. The scoring proposal is as follows:

1) Publications from the thesis:

  • For each article derived from a thesis (published or accepted) after the first enrolment on the doctoral programme: 2 points
  • For every other publication relating to the thesis: 2 points

2) Patents and/or knowledge transfer activities.

  • Contracts with socio-economic players involving the transfer of results from research performed during the thesis. (0.5 credit points per activity)

3) Impact of the research on its area:

  • Indexing: (JCR: 2 points; SCOPUS: 1 point; Other data bases: 0.5 points).
  • Quartile: (Q1: 2 points; Q2: 1.5 points; Q3: 1 point; Q4: 0.5 points).

4) Doctoral research stays carried out while writing up theses:

  • Placements of 3 months or longer. (1 point)
  • Placements of between one month and less than three months. (0.5 points)

5)    International mentions. (2 points)

6) Presentation of reports or communications in congresses, seminars or day events: 0.25 points per activity (up to 2 points).

7) Other activities derived from the thesis which, according to the Commission, make a significant contribution to the advance of knowledge and have not been considered in the former points (up to 1 point)

Minimum score threshold: To be able to obtain the distinction of an extraordinary doctoral degree award, a score not less than 5 points must have been obtained in the assessment of the merits.

Additional requirement for submitting theses in monograph format in the Doctoral Programme in Education.
To present the thesis in monograph format in the Doctoral Programme in Education, it will be necessary to have had an article related to the thesis either published or accepted for publication by a scientific
journal indexed in the field of research. Requirement approved by the Academic Committee for the programme on 03/06/2014.

Requirements for submitting the thesis as a compendium of publications in the Doctoral Programme in Education (first enrolment until 2022).
1. Compliance with the UDG’s own regulations is necessary.
2. Minimum number of articles to form the compendium: Two articles in scientific journals.
3. Requirements for the articles:
- one of the articles has to have either been published or accepted by a magazine included in the Journal Citation Index (JCR), unless it is on the ESCI list (which does not have an impact index).
- the second article has to have been published or accepted by a JCR journal, either Scimago Journal Rank (SJR), or ERIH, or Latindex (fulfilling 33/36 criteria).

Requirements for submitting the thesis as a compendium of publications in the Doctoral Programme in Education (first enrolment from 2023).
1. Compliance with the UDG’s own regulations is necessary.
2. Minimum number of articles to form the compendium: Three articles in scientific journals.
3. These three articles must meet the following requirements:
- one of them must have been published or accepted (documentary evidence of this must be presented) by a journal included in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), except in the case of journals that are part of the
Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).
- the other two articles can either be from the same group as above or alternatively:
* one of them can have been published or accepted (documentary evidence of this must be presented) by a journal included in the Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) or in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of the JCR.
* a final article can either be from the same two groups as above, or must have been published or accepted (with documentary evidence) by a journal included in the LatIndex that meets a minimum of 33/38 criteria.

Sections of the thesis as a compendium of compulsory publications in the Doctoral Programme in Education.

  1. The criteria for the format in terms of the cover, title page and other preliminary matter, as well as the conditions regarding authorship, must comply with the UdG's own regulations
  2. The body of the doctoral thesis will comprise the following sections:
    • General index with page numbers
    • Index of figures
    • Index of tables
    • Summaries in Catalan, Spanish and English
    • Main page stating that the thesis is a compendium of research articles. The list of published/accepted articles, with full references, as well as their corresponding impact indices and indications of quality, must be included. If it is considered necessary to present other articles submitted for review in order to justify the thematic unity of the whole, this must be explicitly stated, and they must be differentiated from the published / accepted articles.
    • Introduction: this must necessarily include the definition of the issue under study, the research question(s) and the objectives derived from it. It is necessary to relate the research objectives clearly to the published or accepted articles that make up the compendium.
    • Theoretical background: although the different articles already contain their own theoretical frame of reference, a theoretical basis for the thesis as a whole is required.For this reason, it is necessary to present a synthesis of the theoretical foundations that contextualise the object of study of the thesis.
    • Methodology: although the different articles already present their own method, in this section it is necessary to justify the methodological linkages in order to justify the thematic unity of all the articles in the compendium.
    • Results: this session will be constituted by the set of published or accepted articles, in the format of the journal in which they have been published. If it is considered necessary to present other articles submitted for review to justify the thematic unity of the set of articles, the corresponding texts must be presented together with proof from the journal that the article has been submitted for review.
    • Discussion and conclusions: it is necessary to discuss the key results obtained in the various articles, and to describe the main conclusions reached. It is also necessary to define the key limitations and the perspectives for the future. 
    • Bibliographical references
    • Annexes, where appropriate.

(Text approved by the Academic Committee for the Doctoral Programme in Education on 17/04/2023)

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