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Doctoral Programme in Humanities, Heritage and Cultural Studies

Doctoral Programme in Humanities, Heritage and Cultural Studies

Academic year 2023-2024

General information

General information

Doctoral Programme in Humanities, Heritage and Cultural Studies
Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Tourism
Indicative number of places
Number of registered students
Official enrolment data
Valid report:
Report (2022)
Other information
AQU Indicators


The doctorate in Human Sciences, Heritage and Culture groups together every line of research relating to the humanities at the University of Girona. This means that it offers doctorate students an opportunity to work and train in a wide range of disciplines, in highly active research groups that take part in competitive research projects, mostly with support from a consolidated research group (SGR), and which enjoy an extensive network of international contacts. This doctorate (and its predecessors) have continuously received awards for quality and excellence since 2005.

It is therefore an interdepartmental and interdisciplinary doctorate that covers a very wide range of research subjects. They all share, however, a rigorous approach and up-to-date methodologies, applied to the soundest and most productive research trends in today’s humanities.

The intellectual curiosity, rigour, critical spirit and keenness to work that are expected of doctorate students on this programme will find a stimulating space, then, for developing in, active groups that will act as guides and references, a programme of research seminars and workshops that will broaden their horizons and a network of national and international contacts that will encourage their mobility and possibilities for scientific dialogue.

Learning objectives

The main objective of the Doctoral Programme in Humanities, Heritage and Cultural Studies is to train high level researchers in this field of knowledge. The wide and diverse range of subjects and lines of research provides doctoral students with direct and privileged access to the most solid and fruitful trends in research in the fields of humanities and culture. The researchers on the programme have a broad network of contacts with national and international research groups, which broadens their theoretical and methodological perspectives, promotes mobility and provides a range of experts in all aspects relevant to their research. The trainee researchers on the programme have access to direct experience of the most current problems, methods and approaches to research through their incorporation in research groups, which assess and supervise their lines of work.

Programme with the mention of excellence.

Lines of research

1. Written and visual culture in the mediaeval period

Potential doctoral-thesis research directors: Dr. Gerardo Boto Varela, Dr. M. Elisa Varela Rodríguez, Dr. Joan Molina FiguerasDr. Sadurní Martí Castellà

Tutors: Dr Gerardo Boto VarelaDr M. Elisa Varela RodríguezDr Sadurní Martí CastellàDr Joan Molina Figueras

2. Linguistic description, language contact and type

Researchers who are potential doctoral thesis supervisors: Dr. Francesc Roca UrgellDr. Beatriz Blécua Falgueras, Dr. Isabel Pujol Payet

Tutors: Dr. Francesc Roca UrgellDr Beatriz Blécua Falgueras, Dr.Isabel Pujol Payet

3. Philosophy of language and cognitive sciences

Potential heads of doctoral thesis research: Dr David Pineda Oliva, Dr Josep Lluís Prades Celma, Dr Antoni Defez Martín

Tutors: Dr David Pineda OlivaDr Josep Lluís Prades CelmaDr Antoni Defez Martín

4. Theoretical and practical philosophy

Potential doctoral-thesis research directors: Dr. Carla Carreras PlanaDr. Antoni Defez MartínDr. Josep Olesti VilaDr. Josep M. Ruiz SimónDr. Joan Vergés GifraDr. Jörg Rudolf Zimmer 

Tutors: Dr Carla Carreras PlanaDr Antoni Defez MartínDr Josep Olesti VilaDr Josep M. Ruiz SimónDr Joan Vergés GifraDr Jörg Rudolf Zimmer

5. Ancient history

Potential heads of doctoral thesis research: Dr Josep Burch RiusDr Antoni Ñaco del HoyoDr David Vivó Codina

Tutors: Dr. Josep Burch Rius,  Dr. Antoni Ñaco del HoyoDr. David Vivó Codina

6. Comparative history: mediaeval, modern, contemporary periods

Researchers who are potential doctoral thesis supervisors: Dr. Rosa Congost ColomerDr. Pere Ortí GostDr. Giaime PalaDr. Joaquim M. Puigvert SolàDr. Enric Saguer HomDr. Núria Sala VilaDr. Lluís To FiguerasDr. Xavier Torres SansDr. José Luís Villanova Valero

Tutors: Dr. Rosa Congost ColomerDr. Pere Ortí GostDr. Giaime PalaDr. Joaquim M. Puigvert SolàDr. Enric Saguer HomDr. Núria Sala VilaDr. Lluís To FiguerasDr. Xavier Torres Sans,  Dr. José Luís Villanova Valero

7. History of Language

Potential doctoral-thesis research directors: Dr. Francesc Feliu TorrentDr. Joan Ferrer CostaDr. Narcís Iglesias FranchDr. August Rafanell Vall·llosera

Tutors: Dr Francesc Feliu TorrentDr Joan Ferrer CostaDr Narcís Iglesias FranchDr August Rafanell Vall·llosera

8. History of modern art

Researchers who are potential doctoral thesis supervisors: Dr. Joan Bosch BallbonaDr. Francesc Miralpeix VilamalaDr. Xavier Torres San

Tutors: Dr. Joan Bosch BallbonaDr. Francesc Miralpeix VilamalaDr. Xavier Torres Sans

9. History of Rural Societies

Potential doctoral-thesis research directors: Dr. Rosa Congost ColomerDr. Gabriel Jover Avellà, Dr. Pere Ortí GostDr. Joaquim M. Puigvert SolàDr. Rosa Ros MassanaDr. Enric Saguer HomDr. Núria Sala VilaDr. Lluís To FiguerasDr. Xavier Torres Sans

Tutors: Dr Rosa Congost ColomerDr Gabriel Jover AvellàDr Pere Ortí GostDr Joaquim M. Puigvert SolàDr Rosa Ros MassanaDr Enric Saguer HomDr Núria Sala VilaDr Lluís To FiguerasDr Xavier Torres Sans

10. History, Memory, Identities

Potential doctoral-thesis research directors: Dr. Maximiliano Fuentes CoderaDr. Giaime PalaDr. Joaquim M. Puigvert Solà 

Tutors: Dr. Maximiliano Fuentes CoderaDr. Giaime PalaDr. Joaquim M. Puigvert Solà

11. Archaeological research

Potential doctoral-thesis research directors: Dr. Josep Burch RiusDr. Julià Maroto GenoverDr. David Vivó Codina 

Tutors: Dr. Josep Burch RiusDr. Julià Maroto GenoverDr. David Vivó Codina

12. Diachronic Linguistics and Comparative Grammar

Potential doctoral thesis directors: Dr. Montserrat Batllori DilletDr. Isabel Pujol PayetDr. Beatriz Blecua FalguerasDr. Avel·lina Suñer Gratacós

Tutors: Dr. Montserrat Batllori DilletDr. Isabel Pujol PayetDr. Beatriz Blecua FalguerasDr. Avel·lina Suñer Gratacós

13. Literature of the Modern and Contemporary Age

Potential doctoral-thesis research directors: Dr. Margarida Casacuberta Rocarols, Dr. Jorge Garcia López, Dr. Xavier Pla BarberoDr. Jordi Sala Lleal, Dr. Pep Valsalobre Palacios

Tutors: Dr Margarida Casacuberta RocarolsDr Jorge Garcia López, Dr Xavier Pla BarberoDr Jordi Sala Lleal, Dr Pep Valsalobre Palacios

14. Medieval and Golden Age Literature

Potential heads of doctoral thesis research: Dr Miriam Cabré OlléDr Eugènia Fosalba VelaDr Jorge García LópezDr Rafael Ramos NogalesDr Xavier Renedo PuigDr Jaume Torró Torrent, Dr Lara Vilà Tomàs

Tutors: Dr Miriam Cabré OlléDr Eugènia Fosalba VelaDr Jorge García LópezDr Rafael Ramos NogalesDr Xavier Renedo PuigDr Jaume Torró Torrent, Dr Lara Vilà Tomàs

15. Cultural heritage.

Researchers who are potential doctoral thesis supervisors: Dr Joan Lluís Alegret Tejero, Dr Joan Bosch BallbonaDr Josep Burch RiusDr Eliseu Carbonell Camós, Dr Gemma Domènech CasadevallDr Julià Maroto Genover, Dr Joaquim Nadal Farreras, Dr Saida Palou Rubio, Dr Carles Serra SalameDr Narcís Soler MasferrerDr David Vivó CodinaDr Anna Perera Roura

Tutors: Dr. Joan Bosch BallbonaDr. Josep Burch RiusDr. Eliseu Carbonell CamósDr. Julià Maroto GenoverDr. Carles Serra SalameDr. David Vivó Codina

16. Theories of Contemporary Art

Researchers who are potential doctoral thesis supervisors: Dr Xavier Antich ValeroDr M. Josep Balsach PeigDr M. Lluïsa Faxedas BrujatsDr Ramon Girona Duran, Dr Carme Pardo Salgado, Dr Àngel Quintana Morraja

Tutors: Dr Xavier Antich ValeroDr M. Josep Balsach PeigDr M. Lluïsa Faxedas Brujats, Dr Ramon Girona DuranDr Carme Pardo Salgado, Dr Àngel Quintana Morraja

17. Cultural Communication

Potential heads of doctoral thesis research: Dr Margarida Casacuberta Rocarols,Dr Lluís Costa FernándezDr Ramon Girona DuranDr Àngel Quintana Morraja

Tutors: Dr. Margarida Casacuberta Rocarols, Dr. Lluís Costa FernándezDr. Ramon Girona DuranDr. Àngel Quintana Morraja

Additional requirements

The regulations governing the teaching programmes of doctoral degrees at the University of Girona establish that the Academic Committees of each doctoral programme may establish requirements additional to those set out by the School of Doctoral Studies in the following cases:

  1. The Academic Committees will be able to establish requirements and criteria in addition to those provided for in article 3 for the selection and admission of students to the corresponding doctoral programme.
  2. The Academic Committee of the doctoral programme may establish additional requirements for becoming a thesis tutor.
  3. The Academic Committee of the doctoral programme may establish additional requirements for becoming a thesis director.
  4. The Academic Committee of the doctoral programme will be able to establish additional requirements for the authorisation to present a thesis in the form of compendium of publications.
  5. The Academic Committee of the doctoral programme may establish additional requirements for becoming a member of the thesis tribunal.
  6. The Academic Committee of the doctoral programme may establish additional requirements to award the mention "cum laude".


The Doctoral Programme in Humanities, Heritage and Cultural Studies is governed by Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, which establishes the organisation of official doctoral studies programmes. The access requirements are those set out in this Royal Decree and which can be consulted at the following web address

Admission criteria

Specific admission criteria for the Doctoral Programme in Humanities, Heritage and Cultural Studies

The Academic Committee will appraise the applicant's admission application in accordance with the following criteria: academic record (80%), previous collaboration with research groups (10%), publications, participation in congresses and other aspects of the curriculum (5%), and interview (5%). These criteria are implicitly subordinate to the thesis of the doctoral student being aligned to one of the lines of research of the programme.

The optimum admission profile corresponds to students who have accumulated 60 postgraduate credits in degrees within the fields of social sciences and humanities, specifically in studies of philology (language, literature, linguistics), philosophy, history and history of the art, and that include specific preparation for undertaking research in these fields.

In cases where students do not have the qualifications considered optimum according to the criteria, the Academic Committee will consider whether the doctoral student should be required to study additional courses.

Training courses

Regarding educational activities, the School of Doctoral Studies organises courses, seminars and other cross-disciplinary educational activities (soft skills) directed at research training and assisting with the writing and presentation of the doctoral thesis. We ask that the courses be given in English as our language of choice, although Catalan is the language most frequently used. They are generally 10-hour courses or seminars. There are a series of activities that are transferable and are of interest to all doctoral programmes, and others that are specific to a particular doctoral programme 

Educational course catalogue


You need to know

Doctoral student guide

Doctoral Programme in Humanities, Heritage and Cultural Studies
Rating criteria for the special doctoral degree awards

The criteria for the doctoral degree special award for our programme have now been established. The scoring proposal is as follows:

  1. Publications deriving from theses and quality indexes (up to 1.5 points)
  2. National and/or international research stays (up to 1 point)
  3. Knowledge-transfer activities (up to 1 point)
  4. Participation in congresses, seminars and talks (up to 1 point)
  5. Reviewers’ and reports from board of examiners (up to 2.5 points)
  6. Prizes or distinctions up to 1 point
  7. International mention (1 point)
  8. Having a contract or post-doctoral grant (1 point)

Mandatory training for students of the doctoral programme in Humanities, Heritage and Cultural Studies

Mandatory education: 20 hours of cross-disciplinary education to be chosen from among the courses offered by the School of Doctoral Studies.

Doctoral programme’s training offers.

Criteria for recognition of activities carried out outside the course programme of the School of Doctoral Studies (approved by the Academic Committee of the doctoral programme in Humanities, Heritage and Cultural Studies on 18 December 2017 and amended on 8 November 2021)

Given that, from the academic year 2017-2018, by agreement of the Board of Directors, all new doctoral students will have to carry out a minimum of 20 hours on courses offered by the School of Doctoral Studies, and given the difficulties some doctoral students who live outside of Girona or outside the Spanish state may have in meeting this requirement, the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Humanities, Heritage and Cultural Studies has agreed that some of the training activities undertaken by doctoral students outside the programme offered by the School of Doctoral Studies at the UdG may be accepted for academic recognition.

These activities will have to fulfil the following characteristics:

  • They must be of a basically methodological nature or they must in some way complement the doctoral student's training.
  • They will have to be organised or endorsed by university-level academic institutions or by institutions and scientific associations of a comparable level.
  • They will have to be carried out during the period in which the doctoral degree is carried out.
  • Modern language courses and learning activities will be excluded.
  • Attendance at congresses, symposiums or similar academic meetings will be excluded.

As an exception, the Academic Committee may approve activities organised by non-academic or non-scientific entities, provided they are officially recognised by a public body and entail learning of a cross-disciplinary character, are a useful supplement to the researcher’s training and prove to be of use in developing the doctoral thesis of the applicant.

In order to proceed to the recognition of these activities, it will be necessary to present the Academic Committee with a certificate of attendance, or equivalent, which clearly states the academic institutions that organised the activity and the duration in hours of said activity.

In order to ensure the Committee does not reject activities when the doctoral student is about to present their thesis, it is recommended that the student checks the suitability of the activities for which they wish to request recognition beforehand and not wait until the final stage of the doctoral degree before formalising this recognition.

Instructions for presenting doctoral theses as a compendium of publications

(approved by the Academic Committee of the doctoral programme in Humanities, Heritage and Cultural Studies on 12th February 2018)

General rules

The doctoral thesis can be a monograph or a compendium of accepted or published publications, the result of the research carried out by the doctoral student and of which he or she is the main author. (Regulation 2017, art 8.2.2)

All the publications that form part of the thesis must have been accepted or published after the student's initial enrolment on the doctoral programme and must belong to the same line of research. (Regulation 2017, art 8.2.2)

In the case of works accepted for publication, the DOI must be provided, if the article has already been assigned one, or, otherwise, the acceptance letter. (Format criteria regulations, 2017)

In the case of compendia of publications, the doctoral thesis has to include the objectives or the hypothesis of the work, an introductory chapter, a general discussion and some final conclusions. (Regulation 2017, art 8.2.2)

The compiled articles must have thematic unity and correspond to a single line of research. (Format criteria regulations, 2017)

The co-authors of the works shall state in writing their agreement to the work being used as part of the doctoral thesis and recognition of the student as a main author of the works published or accepted for publication. (Format criteria regulations, 2017)

In the event that the language is not Catalan, Spanish or English, the doctoral student will have to make this known to the Academic Committee of the doctoral programme. (Regulation 2017, art 8.2.3)

Specific rules for the doctoral programme in Humanities, Heritage and Cultural Studies
1. About the number and place of publication

Articles published in scientific and academic journals, as well as chapters of books  that meet similar quality standards will be accepted.

All texts have to be original works of research. Reviews, the status of the research and texts of an informative nature will be specifically excluded.

If the thesis is presented for the option of international mention, one of the articles or chapters will have to be published in foreign journals or publications of international prestige.

The minimum quantity of text will depend on the place of publication

  • A minimum of three articles in scientific magazines that meet one or more of the following conditions: (a) with stamp of the FECYT; (b) included in the Journal of Citation Reports, the Art & Humanities Citation Index or the Social Sciences Citation Index by Thompson Reuters; (c) qualified as INT in the European Reference Index for Humanities (ERIH); (d) classified as A by CARHUS+; or (e) in the first or second quartile of SJR (SCImago Journal & Country Rank)
  • A minimum of four articles published in journals included in the aforementioned rankings or in the bases SCOPUS, IN-RECS, LATINDEX or in any others that the academic committee may take into consideration at the time.
  • A minimum of four texts, in cases where some are chapters in a book, with a maximum of two publications in this format. The doctoral student will have to provide evidence of the quality of the book and/or publication in which it has been published.

At the time the thesis is submitted for review, the doctoral student will have to submit a written document that states the quality indices of the journals or books where each of the texts have been published or accepted for publication. For the journals, the student will have to indicate the ranking according to the different indicators (Journal of Citation Reports, SJR (SCImago), ERIH+, CARHUS+, ICDS of MIAR...)

They should specify if they have the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) stamp and they also need to state the bibliographical databases where it appears and the number of Latindex criteria it fulfils. To obtain information on these parameters it is recommended to use, as a starting point, the website of the Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals (MIAR). For chapters, the student should list any reviews the book has had and they should specify what the prior assessment process was and provide evidence of the quality of the publication and, where applicable, the collection. The should indicate the position or ranking of the publishing house according to the Scholarly Publishers Indicators (SPI), Publishers Scholar Metrics, Bipublishers and Book Publishers Library Metrics, and if it has the Academic Publishing Quality Stamp of the FECYT.

Doctoral students are reminded that the publication or acceptance for publication of works in journals or books is a prerequisite for presenting a thesis in the form of a compendium of publications, but this has no bearing on the appraisal that external reviewers and members of the tribunal may give of the value and quality of each of the articles or chapters, or on the coherence of the group of works as a whole.

2. About the thesis presentation format

An adaptation will be accepted, in keeping with the humanistic tradition, of the generic Regulations on format referring to theses in the form of a compendium of publications. In this regard, the thesis will have to have, as a minimum, an introductory chapter that sets out the objectives, the hypothesis and the methodology used, and that highlights the subject area that links and gives coherence to the publications that make up the thesis.

It is recommended that this introductory chapter also outlines the state of the question with regard to the subject matter addressed.

The central core of the thesis will comprise a (good quality) copy of the articles, indicating the complete reference of where they have been published or accepted.

The thesis will have to close with a chapter that sums up and discusses the main conclusions and results.

Additionally, the thesis may include any annexes considered appropriate.

3. About authorship

The director, where applicable, may appear as the co-author, provided the doctoral student appears as the first author of the work. None of the members of the tribunal can be a co-author of an article or chapter included in the doctoral thesis.

The articles that comprise the thesis may not be included as part of another thesis. Any co-authors of works included in a thesis who do not have a doctoral degree shall waive the right to submit them as part of their own thesis.

4. About the language

The articles or chapters should be presented in the same language in which they were published or accepted for publication.

Additional provision.

The specific rules for the doctoral programme in Humanities, Heritage and Cultural Studies shall be applied to all theses presented in this format from the academic year 2019-2020.

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