Investiga > Demanda tecnològica: Seeking catalyst for efficient conversion of CO2 and H2 to methanol
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Demanda tecnològica: Seeking catalyst for efficient conversion of CO2 and H2 to methanol

A large German special chemical company is seeking novel catalyst for efficient conversion of CO2 rich off gases together with hydrogen to methanol. Ideally such alternative catalysts should be based on easily available base metals and accessible by conventional preparation techniques such as precipitation or impregnation.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

The large German specialty chemicals producer is looking for a new technology for efficient conversion of power to methanol, describing the conversion of CO2 with renewable hydrogen. This is a highly promising technology as potential fuels derived from methanol such as dimethylether or oxymethylenethers, prove high potential to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of such synthetic fuels for a low carbon mobility in the future.

Industrial catalysts based on CuZnAlOx materials are highly efficient to convert CO rich SynGas, as derived from steam reforming of methane to methanol. However with rising content of CO2, catalyst productivity as well as stability becomes an issue for industrial applicability. Reduced thermal stability maybe attributed to the higher amount of product water when applying high CO2 content in the feedgas.

As a consequence, alternative catalytic compounds with improved hydrothermal stability and improved activity at low temperatures < 200°C would be desirable for thermodynamic reasons, as CO2 / H2 conversion to methanol is an exothermic reaction. Further details to be found in the technical specification.

The company is open to global partners and partnership in the framework of a joint venture, license or research cooperation agreement.


Referència:  TRDE20171013002

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