Investiga > Demanda tecnològica: Low cost resin or fillers for thin wall injection molding.
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Demanda tecnològica: Low cost resin or fillers for thin wall injection molding.

A Belgian multinational active in consumer goods looks for cost effective, commercial ready material replacement of resin or low cost fillers that can be added to resin as blend to yield savings in the molded part. Industrial partners or research centers are sought for license agreement or technical agreement with the large account.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

Some key material properties of today’s typical LDPE (low density polyethylene) resin / homopolymer are:  flexibility, warp resistance, melt index 20-30g/10min , tensile strength at yield 10-15 MPa, Shore D hardness 50-55, density 0.9g/cm3.  As for material cost reference, North America market LDPE resin pricing is about $1.65/kg and subject to oil pricing fluctuations.


The Belgian multinational based in Brussels intends to reduce resin cost for a high volume, thin wall package component, which today is made via high speed injection molding of 100% petrol based low density polyethylene resin. 

They intend as well to reduce the environmental footprint.


Therefore the company is looking for:


- Cost effective, commercial ready material replacement to LDPE that can run in existing injection molds




- Low cost fillers that can be added to LDPE as blend to yield savings in the molded part.  For example, polypropylene may be lower cost and would be of interest if it can meet the material property requirements (specified below) and is compatible with the existing injection molds. 

- Low cost fillers are also a very interesting possibility provided they have been established to be compatible with high speed injection molding process without the abrasion seen with some materials like calcium carbonate.

- Material with lesser environmental footprint, so more sustainable.

- Material with supply base in North America and Europe.


The company is looking for collaboration with industrial partners or research centres able to provide the required solutions. The purpose would be setting up a long lasting cooperation allowing the large account to comply with its internal strategy and for the potential partner to interact in a systematic way with the large account so as to have immediate access to forthcoming similar requests.


Actually, for the technical cooperation, this large account intends to work together with potential partners having the suitable technical solution in line with the technical specifications listed for the purposes of this technology request.


As for the license agreement, should an already developed  solution exist and be fully compliant with the technical requirements listed, the large account would envisage discussions on the terms of the license use.


Referència:  TRBE20171016001

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