Investiga > Cerca de socis per desenvolupar un nou tractament i progressió de la progressió de la miopia
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Cerca de socis per desenvolupar un nou tractament i progressió de la progressió de la miopia

A medical center from Republic of Moldova has developed a treatment and progression prevention of acquired myopia. The center is interested in establishing partnerships with similar organizations in the research area mentioned above to evaluate the efficiency of treatment and progression prevention of acquired myopia through physio-therapeutic treatment and refractive therapy applied combined.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

Ophthalmology is the priority direction in the activity of the Moldovan medical center, which has become a reference institution for addressing visual disorders. Within the center, among the multitude of services offered, patients benefit from specialized ophthalmic services, exclusive diagnostic methods, methods of treatment and prophylaxis of myopia progress, physical therapy treatment, laser surgical treatment of the ocular globe and limfatic driving-organism toxin elimination.

One of the main directions on which the specialists of the center are focused is progression of myopia which can lead to important irreversible changes of the eye resulting in eyesight loss.

Due to an increased incidence of myopia and an obvious tendency to increase in the last 10-20 years, the need of discovering new prophylaxis methods of myopia development and progression has emerged.

The treatment consists of a ten day daily physio-therapeutic complex of procedures. During the 10 (ten) day treatment period, the general biologically active point of the eye are electrically stimulated for 1 minute (one point at a time) each day. Then, the same procedure is applied on the eye local acupuncture points. The following step consists of  a 4 (four) minute ciliar muscle stimulation using helium-neon laser radiation of  low intensity. After the completion of the 10 day treatment described above, 1 year of refractive therapy (Corneal Refractive Therapy - CRT) follows. 

The procedure is patented by the Moldovan medical center who is looking for research partners to evaluate the efficiency of treatment and progression prevention of acquired myopia through physio-therapeutic treatment and refractive therapy applied combined.

Referència: RDMD20170616001


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