Investiga > Cerca de Socis:SMEcoordinator with expertise in medical/entertainment devices development sought
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Cerca de Socis:SMEcoordinator with expertise in medical/entertainment devices development sought

The aim of the EUROSTARS proposal is to develop devices and applications to assess, monitor and promote the motoric and cognitive abilities in children and youth. Particular attention is on children with neuro developmental disorders.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

The objective of the project is to develop methodologies, software and, new devices to collect, store and share data about motricity and general development. The project will attempt to stimulate and promote a healthy use of technology, for example sensors like IMUs (inertial motion units) could be integrated in toys or paired with tablets/other electronic devices enabling paediatricians, occupational therapist or parents to better understand and stimulate the motricity of children and to sustain progress. The sensors will need to be adapted to the application.

The intention is to develop toy kits as devices for improving motricity/social relation/learning in an entertaining way. The devices could be used to assess, monitor and improve therapies thanks to a direct communication between the devices and clinicians.

The devices would primarily be used to assess children with  neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) or other conditions that require specialised diagnosis but could also potentially be marketed as educational toys to a wider market.

An advanced version of the devices will be used by paediatricians and therapists in close collaboration with families and educators Later, the toolkit could be adapted and improved for other applications and others population segments (i.e. dementia, neurological disorders).

The Swiss university has already gained experience in a similar project, their expertise already includes:

- Statistical data analysis.

- Bio-signal processing & pattern recognition.

- Machine learning.

- Occupational-therapy observation.

- Transdisciplinary projects.

- Enterprise and web-based development platforms.

The Swiss consortium is seeking an SME coordinator with the legal form of an SME (R&D performing SME according to Eurostars guidelines) with interest in rehabilitation and/or entertainment devices and experience in the EU medical device, rehabilitation or entertainment markets. The company should be able to exploit the toolkit commercially. The SME must have experience or adequate capabilities in the social care and health areas .

The SME partner will require expertise in medical/therapeutic device standardisation and knowledge of the European market area.

The project duration will be 36 months. The project will be conducted in two stages.

  1. Development of the specific toolkit prototype
  2. Pilot study implementation

Together with the prototype, an ICT platform will be developed to collect and analyse data and to share the collected data remotely.

The partners for a research cooperation agreement should come from Eurostars member countries.

Eurostars supports international innovative projects led by R&D-performing SMEs.

The EUROSTARS call deadline is 13 September, 2018.

The deadline for expressions of interests is 30 July, 2018.

Referència: RDCH20180705001


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