Investiga > Cerca de socis pel projecte EUROSTARS2: sistema de simulació de dispersió de partícules
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Cerca de socis pel projecte EUROSTARS2: sistema de simulació de dispersió de partícules

A Korean SME specialized in application software is currently working on a project to develop a particle dispersion simulation system. It is the system to predict the diffusion of particles based on monitoring and analyzing. The SME is seeking partners to cooperate on the project.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network: 
A Korean SME specializes in developing application software. They have developed an innovative diagnosis software and environmental analysis software. They are currently doing a research on a particle dispersion simulation system. Industrial pollutants have become a major source of atmospheric pollution. The simulation system of the company would contribute greatly to reducing air pollution.
 The main objective of the development is to simulate spreading a path of particle dispersion based on air quality analysis. It monitors air pollution and hazardous chemical pollutants with online and offline systems. It uses fine dust sensors to check the dust level in real time and public data such as GIS or weather information. It gives the result 50 times faster than the current system, utilizing Graphics Processing Unit(GPU) rather than Central Processing Unit(CPU).
The company is seeking partners to conduct joint research and development on the system. The system could be used in diverse chemical industry. It will provide useful and necessary information in the right time and place.
Deadline for EOI: 1 August 2017
Deadline for Call: 14 September 2017
Project duration: 110 weeks
Referència: RDKR20170412001
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