Investiga > Cerca de socis: Innovative technologies for turning liquids into free-flowing powders
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Cerca de socis: Innovative technologies for turning liquids into free-flowing powders

The Dutch multinational company is a major producer of specialty chemicals. For many applications these products are supplied as a dry, free-flowing powder. The properties are highly dependent on the drying process. The company is looking for more advanced product technology and new approaches to make the production of powder products more efficient.

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The company produces various products in the liquid phase which are supplied to the market as a powder. For many applications the customers require these products to be dry, non-hygroscopic, and free-flowing.

Examples of these products are:

- Powders which are dried emulsions that can be redispersed in water, restoring the product properties of the

original liquid

- Chelates and micronutrients which are used in applications such as household cleaning and agriculture

- A range of personal care products

The performance and ease of handling of these materials are highly dependent on the drying process. These drying processes include techniques like precipitation, crystallization, and spray drying.

Converting a liquid to a powder often involves multiple process steps in order to get the desired properties. Final product properties depend on structure, particle size, and particle shape. Given increasing demand for more advanced product technology, traditional drying techniques no longer provide the complete answer and new approaches are required to keep meeting the needs of the customers.

The company is looking to further optimize their drying processes in terms of waste, energy, storage stability of the powder, and sustainability. They are also open to radically new approaches. Irrespective of the drying technique used, final products need to meet certain specification and performance criteria after drying, such as bulk density, particle size distribution, and flowability.


Referència: TRNL20180109001


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