Investiga > Una SME de Croacia involucrat amb Eurostars, busca socis per desenvolupar softwares per a drons.
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Una SME de Croacia involucrat amb Eurostars, busca socis per desenvolupar softwares per a drons.

Croatian SME is developing versatile Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with increased flight range and duration, achieved by an innovative patent-pending combination of multirotor and fixed wing hybrid design. SME is looking for a partner that develops an end-user software solution for use of drones/sensory equipment,drone operators(field of remote sensing) for Eurostars project.

Us volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

An SME from Croatia is a cross-functional team which is developing a new kind of drone. Currently, there are two main types of drones: multirotor and fixed-wings. Both groups have their advantages and disadvantages. Multirotors offer the ability to vertically takeoff and land in autonomous mode but their flight time is very short - only around 25 minutes. Fixed-wings have greater range but are not fully autonomous since they require special equipment, humans or areas to takeoff and land. Company's solution fills the gap between these two groups and combines benefits from both approaches.
Company's VTOL (Vertical TakeOff and Landing) is a modular platform for various use-cases where there is a need for drone with long range, time of flight and speed. Drone is also able to takeoff and land on any surface, including the water.
Innovative design makes it different from traditional drones since it combines benefits from both fixed-wing and multirotor approaches. Due to its tilt motors, it can takeoff and land vertically in fully autonomous fashion i.e. without the need for a human operator.
Widest range of use-cases:
- precision agriculture
- industrial surveillance
- remote sensing
- search & rescue
- any specific use-case
Wingspan: 3300 mm
Length: 1670 mm
AUW (All-Up Weight): 6500 g
Wing loading: 70 g/dm2
Payload dimensions: 220x130x130
Payload weight: 1000g
Battery: 20 Ah
Cruise speed: 65 km/h
Stall speed(airplane mode): 20 km/h
Flight controller: PIXHAWK
Flight time(cruise): 2 h
Range: 120 km
The company is focused on hardware solution (a drone itself) and onboard software (firmware). They are looking for an SME which is developing an end-user software solution for use of drones in certain business verticals. Examples are software solutions for precision agriculture (monitoring of fields and processing of images), search & rescue applications, remote sensing, industrial surveillance, security etc.
Ideally, this can be a company which is using off the shelf drones but whose users are not satisfied with flying capabilities, range, speed or battery duration of these off the shelf solutions.
Apart from SME developing the software they are looking also for drone operators in the field of remote sensing, to co-create a new platform which will be more suitable for them to grow and expand their businesses.
By combining those two, they believe that it will be a win-win collaboration since the final solution will have a higher value when their hardware and partner's software are combined for a specific use-case. Background IP that they bring into project is their patent-pending design of rotors (propellers) and drone itself. Foreground IP from this project is to be expected to stay in every partner's ownership and resulting complete solution can be sold on a revenue-share basis as arranged at the start of a project.
Call that they are targeting is a Eurostars cut off 8; Deadline for Full-Proposal is 14/09/2017
EOI deadline: 15/8/2017
Referència: RDHR20170505001
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