Investiga > Demanda tecnològica: Personalized analytical tool for immune monitoring in liver transplant patients
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Demanda tecnològica: Personalized analytical tool for immune monitoring in liver transplant patients

Spanish SME looks for partners in Europe for the development of a clinical analytic system,which enables periodic immune monitoring in liver transplant recipients through a simple blood test.The role of the partners sought is related to microfluidic system design (manufacturing and validation)and experimental results validation.

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This biotechnology company is focused on the development of biotechnological tools for the identification of new biomarkers and therapeutic targets as well as for the discovery of new drugs.

The core technology is based on cell membrane microarrays. These microarrays consist of multiple microdots of membranes isolated from different organs and tissues. This single miniaturized assay allows characterizing the action of drugs in several organs simultaneously, with consequent savings in time, reagents, experimental animals and pollutants.

The host immune system monitoring after a transplant is crucial to ensure the survival not only of the graft but also of the transplant patient, owing to the fact that the chronic immunosuppression is linked to a higher risk for having a wide swath of health problems including neoplasia “de novo”, which are present in the 25% of the patient treated for 5 years. 

This diagnostic tool will be comprised of an analytical fungible cartridge and a reading device. To do that, the microfluidic technology will be combined, on one hand, with microarrays methodology, which allows the production of a large number of chips with the reduced amount of sample obtained at time of surgery, and on the other hand, with our company’s technology that enables the immobilization of cell membranes over supports preserving the structure and function of their proteins. 

Therefore, the proposed system will allow both, early detection of rejection episodes and fine adjustment of immunosuppressant doses, contributing to minimize drug toxicity and treatment related pathologies such as neoplasia. In conclusion, the diagnosis provided with this tool will increase the cost-effective ratios of transplant surgery as well as the patients´ expectancy and quality of life.

The company is looking for EU SME's or research organisations with expertise in microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip techniques, as well as clinicians in the health sector with access to liver transplant biopsies,  as well as partners with experience in development and commercialization of analytical kits/assays (e.g ELISA and other immunoassays).

Referència: RDES20180212002


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