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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
Introducció generalista al màrqueting per a que el futur professional sigui capaç de comercialitzar els projectes que realitzi. 021 Diagnòsi comercial. Quadre DAFO 022 Estudi de mercat 023 Definir i interpretar objectius de mercat 024 Pla de màrqueting 025 Màrqueting específic
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • B1. Recollir, seleccionar, avaluar i transmetre la informació de manera eficaç i eficient, en funció d'objectius determinats i de diferent procedència i format.
  • B5. Treballar en equip, establint les relacions que més poden ajudar a fer aflorar potencialitats de cooperació i mantenir-les de manera continuada.
  • B8. Avaluar la pròpia activitat i el propi aprenentatge, i elaborar estratègies per millorar-los.
  • E9. Analitzar, confeccionar i desenvolupar polítiques d'innovació i de comunicació de l'empresa en l'àmbit de la identitat corporativa


1. Omnichannel Marketning & Digital Transformation

          1.1. The omnichannel era. What does Omnichannel means?

          1.2. Online & Offline Marketing

          1.3. New ways to consume and interact. ROPO vs SHOWROOMING

          1.4. Omnichannel Marketing in the company

2. The Market and the Buyer Persona in the Omnichannel era

          2.1. What is the Buyer Persona? The new relationship with the Buyer Persona

          2.2. Market Segmentation vs Buyer Persona

          2.3. What is the Minimum Viable Product approach (MVP)?

          2.4. Omnichannel Communication

3. The new Customer Experience

          3.1. Customer service from the offline and online approach

          3.2. Customer loyalty in the digital environment

          3.3. What is engagement?

          3.4. Neuromarketing in the digital environment

          3.5. What are Touch Points and Pain Points?

4. Omnichannel Communication

          4.1. What is a brand?

          4.2. Digital reputation

          4.3. New brand values.

5. Social Media Marketing

          5.1. Analysis and evolution of Social Networks

          5.2. Integration of the Social Networks plan in the company's marketing strategy.

          5.3. Social Networks as a communication tool in the company

          5.4. Content creation from the marketing strategy

          5.5. Infuencer Marketing


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 60,00 90,00 0 150,00
Total 60,00 90,00 0 150


    Avaluació i qualificació

    Activitats d'avaluació:

    Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
    End of Course Test At the end of the semester, there will be a test where the knowledge worked on during the course will be evaluated 50 No
    class attendance
    Class attendance for a minimum of 12 days guarantees 15% of the final grade
    15 No
    Practical work during the course Active follow-up in class and evaluation of acquired knowledge. 35 No


    The evaluation criteria is mainly based on:

    1. 50% will come from 5 team work that will be done and also
    oral presented.

    2- The final test will represent 35%

    3- Class attendance of at least 12 classes will guarantee 15% of the final grade

    Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:

    Avaluació única:
    ue to the characteristics of this subject, the single evaluation option is not contemplated. The connections, learning strategies and competencies that this subject imply a continuous maturation work in which, progressively, the students obtain feedback from the various assessments thanks to the continuous evaluation. The various assessment tasks that are contemplated are intended from a progress in the complexity so that the students are consolidating and reinforcing the learning and competencies to be achieved.

    Requisits mínims per aprovar:
    To consider the subject passed, a minimum grade of 5 must be obtained


    You can contact me through Intreram or direct email. I will respond to emails within a maximum of 48 hours on working days. Tutoring can be individual or group depending on the topic and face-to-face or online.

    Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

    Communication will be done by email, Moodle notices and news forum, WhatsApp/Telegram groups, or others.

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