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Curs acadèmic:
En aquesta assignatura es descriuen formalment la mecànica dels sòlids, dels fluids i dels camps electromagnètics com a base del funcionament del sistema musculo-esquelètic i de l'ús d'agents terapèutics en fisioteràpia.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Jesus Planella Morato
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Resoldre problemes
  • Tenir capacitat de gestió d'informació
  • Aprendre a aprendre (aprendre de manera autònoma, actualitzar-se i poder aprofundir en coneixements permanentment)
  • Resoldre problemes complexos de forma efectiva en el camp de la Fisioteràpia.
  • Conèixer i comprendre les ciències, els models, les tècniques i els instruments sobre els quals es fonamenta, articula i desenvolupa la fisioteràpia.


1. Introduction to Physics. Solid Mechanics

2. Fluid Mechanics

3. Electromagnetic fields.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Aprenentatge basat en problemes (PBL) 20,00 10,00 30,00
Prova d'avaluació 1,00 0 1,00
Resolució d'exercicis 0 14,00 14,00
Sessió expositiva 40,00 55,00 95,00
Tutories de grup 5,00 5,00 10,00
Total 66,00 84,00 150


  • Cromer, A. (1994). Physics for the Life Sciences. McGraw-Hill.
  • Newman, J. (2008). Physics of the Life Sciences. Springer.
  • Hewitt, P. G. (2016). Conceptual Physics. Prentice Hall.
  • Tipler, P.A., Mosca, G. (2003). Physics for Scientists and Engineers. W H Freeman & Co.
  • Zinke-Allmang, M. (2012). Physics for the Life Sciences. Thomas Nelson Publishers.
  • Dan Fullerton. Online information and excercises. Recuperat , a
  • Tom Henderson. Online information and excercises. Recuperat , a

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Problem based learning (PBL) The professor will give a paper based activity, which will have to be solved in groups of 4 people. Students will discuss the exercises together and work as a team. It will be reflected in a written activity.
The subject of this activity will be connected to the previous lecture class and it will last approximately 60 minutes. The professor will support any student group who ask for it.
Assessment test The test has 40 multiple choice questions about concepts and short solving problems. Each question will have 5 options to choose from where only one option will be the correct one. A penalty of 20% of its value will be applied for questions answered incorrectly.
The test will last 60 minutes.



The final qualification to pass the subject is 5.

The subject will be assessed through both PBL activity and the assessment test:

1) Assessment Test:

It represents a 60% of the final qualification.

A minimum score of 4 is required to obtain the weighted average score, which includes the assessment test and PBL activity. This average will be the overall score of the subject.

If the score of the assessment test is less than 4, no weighted average will be applied. The score of the assessment test will be the overall score of the subject.

The test has 40 multiple choice questions about concepts and short solving problems. Each question will have 5 options to choose from where only one option will be the correct one. A penalty of 20% of its value will be applied for questions answered incorrectly.

The test will last 60 minutes.

In this test, calculator can be used but not any formula sheet.

2) Problem based Learning (PBL) activity:

It represents a 40% of the final qualification.

The entire PBL activity consists of a total of 14 PBL tasks: 7 (first part: Solid Mechanics) + 7 (second part: Fluid Mechanics + Electromagnetic fields).

They will be developed in class and handed it over at the end of every PBL task, except the group work of the unit of Applied Biophysics. For this latter case, it will have a submission deadline established in advance by Moodle.

The 10 best scores of every student( 5 from the first part and 5 from the second one) will be selected and averaged all together in order to obtain the overall score of the PBL activity. If the student does less than 10 activities, those activities which have not been submitted will count as a “0” and only the activities handed over will be graded (this marking system encourages attendance).

No excused absences will be admitted for PBL tasks.

The solution of the PBL tasks will not be uploaded but corrected during the class once the activity has been handed over.

The score in the PBL activity (which represents the 40% of the final qualification) will be uploaded after finishing classes but before the written test (assessment test) takes place.

In the PBL activity, a score of 5 or more is required to calculate the weighted average score of the subject.

If the score of the PBL activity is less than 5, no weighted average will be applied. The score of the assessment test will be the overall score of the subject.


The revision of the continuous assessment and the written test will be one week after the evaluation test takes place.


If the student fails the continuous assessment, he/she will have the opportunity of taking a final test (sufficiency test).

The final test will take place the week after the revision. It will have a similar format to the previous written test (assessment test).

A score of 5 or more is required to pass the exam.

The continuous assessment will be cancelled. As it is a sufficiency exam, the overall score of the subject will be a 5.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
1) Not evaluated through the continuous assessment.

2) Not evaluated through final assessment.

Note that if the student takes an assessment activity (for example: handing over a PBL task in class) he/she is automatically included in the continuous assessment process and will be never considered as 'not seated'.


The methodology of the subject is based on didactic units (DU).

Each DU will be related to some specific concepts, which will be first exposed by the professor. After that, a PBL task about the concepts explained in the relevant DU will be developed by the students.

Once the PBL task is handed over, the professor will correct it interactively and clarifying doubts about that task and also about the theoretical concepts of the relevant DU.

Prior to every DU, the student will have to download the notes from the Moodle and read them carefully.

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

- Understand the principles and theories about physic agents and their applications to Physiotherapy.

- Learn the principles about Biomechanics and Electrophysiology and their applications to Physiotherapy. Vectors, torques and forces applied to the levers in the human body are included.

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