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Curs acadèmic:
Assignatura que dona el coneixement dels sistemes de gestió de les empresas hoteleres i de restauració mitjançant la valoració de les marques de producte
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Analitzar i crear nous productes i serveis turístics i hotelers de manera independent, innovadora i empresarial
  • Analitzar els resultats de la política de l'activitat turística i hotelera, traslladant als objectius interns i fent plans concrets per a la seva implementació en els nivells de la funció departamental o de negoci.
  • Dissenyar, controlar i millorar els processos de planificació i organització l'activitat turística i hotelera
  • Conèixer i estudiar les tècniques de la gestió econòmica, comptable i financera de l'empresa hotelera i de restauració
  • Dur a terme procediments d'anàlisi i síntesi per interpretar l'activitat hotelera i de restauració
  • Desenvolupar la capacitat de diagnosticar i resoldre problemes mitjançant la recerca d'informació de diferents fonts per tal de prendre les decisions més encertades
  • Utilitzar els idiomes estrangers estudiats com a vehicles normalitzats de comunicació internacional
  • Identificar i seleccionar documentació jurídica actualitzada mitjançant la utilització de bases de dades jurídiques i compendis legislatius


1. The Franchise. Introduction and Definition.

2. Advantages and disadvantages. Franchise Basic Ingredients. Disclosure documents. Evaluating a franchise. Types of fees. Structure for a franchise. The franchise legal stages.

3. What Support Can You Expect from the Franchisor? The operations manual. Franchisee training program. Marketing manual. Franchise Business Plan and Financing. Effective development of a franchise support organisation.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Altres 5,00 10,00 15,00
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 10,00 13,00 23,00
Cerca i anàlisi d'informació 5,00 7,00 12,00
Debat 10,00 10,00 20,00
Exposició dels estudiants 5,00 5,00 10,00
Lectura / comentari de textos 0 8,00 8,00
Sessió expositiva 15,00 3,00 18,00
Sessió participativa 15,00 10,00 25,00
Treball en equip 4,00 4,00 8,00
Tutories de grup 5,00 1,00 6,00
Visionat/audició de documents 1,00 4,00 5,00
Total 75,00 75,00 150


Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Case 1: Analysis of different franchises in hotels and restaurants.
Case 2: Franchising and the Impact of McDonald’s.
Case 3: Franchising and the society.
Case 4: Examining The Determinant of Hotel Chain Expansion through international Franchising.
Case 5: Franchise Contracts.
Case 6: Re-inventing McD.
Case 7: International hotel development: A study of potential franchisees in China.
Case 8: ACCORD Franchise.
Case 9: Operating manuals.
Case 10: The Case of McDonald's Restaurants Limited.
Exposure skills, mastery of verbal and non-verbal communication, organization of information, content, conclusions and future proposals are the most valued elements.
1. Organization: The information is developed in a logical and ordered way. It is a logical sequence, with a clear index. Any student can follow the presentation and understand it.
2. Interest. It has been a good analysis of the information, is explained clearly, new bibliography is added to help, attractive language is used.
3. Knowledge: The student knows the case well and the presentation. All concepts related to the topic are applied. There is a good summary, good conclusions and a good proposal for the future.
4. Images: Are they timely? They help the presentation?
5. Communication: Timely language and appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication are used.

Although the majority of cases are made in teams, the score is individual. Once delivered, presented and punctuated the cases, the average of all of them will be made for each student.
Development of a new franchise. Teams will be formed. Teams will have to invent a hotel or restaurant brand and develop all the necessary elements to launch the franchise and develop the main elements (contract, manuals, ...) Continuous work throughout the course, creativity, originality, application of theory to practice, the contribution of new ideas in the fundamental elements of the franchise and the presentation (in Word, power point, …) are the criteria that will serve to evaluate this point. 30
Students will prepare and present theoretical concepts and discussion topics in group and / or individually depending on the topic Participation, communication, attention and relationship between concepts transmitted, contribution to group and class discussion, answers to teacher or student questions and initiative, are the main items of assessment.
The final grade will be the average of all the works done.


Types of evaluation

1. Continuous evaluation:
55% Case studies
30% To invent a hotel or restaurant brand and develop all the necessary elements to launch the franchise
15% Theoretical concepts and discussion topics in groups and / or individually

The system of Continuous assessment is only possible for students with a minimum of 80% attendance February to May, regardless of justifications.

Students who fail the Continuous assessment will be re-evaluated in the Global Re-sit Exam (Repesca). This exam includes all the work covered from February to May. The Exam consists of a written exam.

Continuous Assessment students who do not have 80% attendance will be evaluated in a Global Exam in May. This exam includes all the work covered from February to May. Students who fail this exam will be re-evaluated in a Global Re-sit Exam (Repesca) under the same conditions.

2. Global evaluation: 100% Final Exam.

Students who choose the Global Evaluation at the beginning of the course must sit the Global Exam in May. This exam includes all the work covered from February to May. The Global Exam consists of a written exam.
The students who fail the Global Exam will be re-evaluated in the Global Re-sit Exam (Repesca).


The subject of Franchises is a subject that will help you understand the structure and way of working of the large hotel and catering chains that you will find in your working life. Among the 50 largest franchises in the world, 20 are from our sector.

The program is designed to maximize the transfer of knowledge about franchising with a combination of lectures, presentation of concepts by students, discussions and case studies.
Students will work in small groups to learn how to develop their strengths, correct their weaknesses, and develop their leadership qualities. Elements that you can then put into practice in your professional development.
At the end of the program, students will be able to:
• Determine Critical Success Factors for Managing a Franchise
• Leverage emerging trends in the franchise industry
• Gain the knowledge, skills, and analytical skills needed to succeed in franchising
Students will gain critical knowledge, practical knowledge and analytical skills necessary to succeed in franchising.

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