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Curs acadèmic:
L'objectiu d'aquesta assignatura és proporcionar als estudiants una base tècnica que els permeti prototipar sistemes interactius de tal forma que siguin capaços de testejar les seves idees.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup E

Semestral, 2n semestre
Idioma de les classes:


  • B9. Utilitzar l'enginy i la creativitat per trobar solucions adequades a problemes inèdits
  • E10. Materialitzar productes audiovisuals i / o multimèdia fent servir els propis recursos expressius


1. Introduction to creative programming

          1.1. What is Arduino?

          1.2. Why Arduino?

          1.3. Hardware

          1.4. Software

2. Electronics & Interaction

          2.1. Electricity basics

          2.2. Electronic bits

          2.3. Sensors and Actuators

3. Basic Programming: Digital Input & Digital Output

          3.1. Programming Structure

          3.2. Basic syntax

          3.3. Variables, constants and definitions

          3.4. Data types

          3.5. Operands

          3.6. Control structures

          3.7. Digital functions

          3.8. Control structures II

4. Modular programming: Introducing PWM

          4.1. Functions, parameters and returns

          4.2. Analog output: the PWM

          4.3. Libraries

          4.4. Digital LED strips

          4.5. Step motors

5. Sensors: Analog Inputs

          5.1. The analog function

          5.2. Serial communication

          5.3. Signal processing

          5.4. NFC technology

          5.5. Accelerometer

6. Thinking out of the box: Communicating between different technologies

          6.1. Arduino and Android / IOS

          6.2. Arduino and Processing

          6.3. Arduino and Max MSP


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 53,00 90,00 8,00 151,00
Total 53,00 90,00 8,00 151


  • Don Norman (2013). The Design of Everyday Things. Ediciones Paidós.
  • John Maeda (2009). How to speak machine: Computational thinking for the rest of us. Portfolio..
  • Bill Moggridge (2006). Designing Interactions. MITT Press.
  • Arduino. Recuperat , a
  • Processing. Recuperat , a

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Theoretical exam It will be assessed if the theoretical concepts explained in class have been learned. 20 No
Weekly exercices It will be valued all the knowledge learned in class. Failure to deliver one of the practical exercises will result in a Not Presented. 30
Final project The final project will be of students choice. We will try to enchance some of the aspects in which the student is more comfortable and who wants to go deeper in the field. 30
Attitude Positive attitude is a must. 10 No
Assistance This subject is about progressing knowledge, so it is very important not to skip class. 10 No


Creativity will be very valued. Failure to submit the final project will result in an automatic suspension of the subject.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
If the final project is not presented the student automatically will be suspended with a note of 0.

Avaluació única:
As it is a subject of a practical nature, it does not contemplate the single exam option

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
It is essential to have a minimum grade of 5 to pass the subject


Students will be able to request tutoring whenever they need it. They will have to agree beforehand with the teacher and then request it through the interram.


It is important to attend all the sessions, since being a subject of a technical nature, the knowledge is added up.

Assignatures recomanades

  • A-Fonaments de la multimedia
  • A-Tecnologies multimèdia
  • A-Tecnologies multimèdia II

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