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Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Maria Dafne Solá Parera
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup B

Semestral, 2n semestre
Maria Dafne Solá Parera
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • 4. Utilitzar la llengua anglesa i una altra llengua estrangera
  • 9. Tenir habilitat per a les relacions personals en qualsevol context i situació.
  • 17. Comunicar-se oralment i per escrit
  • 21. Utilitzar la terminologia i el llenguatge dels diversos àmbits turístics



2. PREPARATION for SKILLS TEST 1. Reading: gapped texts;Listening: multiple choice, 8 situations (PART 1, LISTENING PAPER); Writing: essays

3. TOPIC 1, Travel and happiness. Modals of certainty and probability; Words often confused: achieve, carry out & devote; spend, pass & stay; have, make & cause; Why travel makes us happy.

4. TOPIC 2 (PART 1), Travel and money. as vs. like; Words often confused: arrive, get & reach; economic and economical; pay & pay for

5. Word focus 1: phrasal verbs, collocations and word formation

6. PREPARATION for SKILLS TEST 2. Reading: multiple matching; Listening: word completion (PART 2, LISTENING PAPER); Writing: reports

7. TOPIC 2 (PART 2), Travel and money. Listening and reading tasks from the unit; Phrasal verbs; Modals of ability; Travelling low cost

8. TOPIC 3, Travel and health. Listening and reading tasks from the unit; Vocabulary of health; Relative clauses; Word formation: negative prefixes

9. Word focus 2: phrasal verbs, collocations and word formation

10. PREPARATION for SKILLS TEST 3. Reading: multiple choice; Listening: multiple matching, PART 3, Listening paper; Writing: replies to complaints

11. TOPIC 4, Working as an events planner. Vocabulary: event types and words that collocate with event; Third and mixed conditionals; Troubleshooting

12. TOPIC 5, Animal kingdom. Listening and reading tasks from the unit; Words often confused: avoid, prevent & protect; check, control & supervise; Wish / if only

13. Word focus 3: phrasal verbs, collocations and word formation

14. PREPARATION for SKILLS TEST 4. Reading: a short story; Listening: multiple choice (a conversation), PART 4, Listening paper Writing: articles

15. TOPIC 6, Famous buildings. Listening and reading tasks from the unit; Causative verbs; Expressing obligation, no obligation and permission; Describing buildings

16. TOPIC 7, Traditional festivals. Listening and reading tasks from the unit; Vocabulary of festivals; Special passive constructions


18. First Certificate Practice: Listening & Speaking

19. Reading: Low-cost airlines: They changed the world -- but what next? Writing test: A review of Low-cost airlines

20. Professional language: Tour Guiding

21. Series: Stranger things (S1 E1 , 2016)

22. Professional language: Giving presentations

23. First Certificate: Listening & Speaking

24. Series: Nosedive (Black Mirror, S3, E1)

25. Reading: Niche Tourism and Digital Marketing, (extracts) by Vineet Singh


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Exposició dels estudiants 1,00 3,00 0 4,00
Lectura / comentari de textos 2,00 16,00 2,00 20,00
Prova d'avaluació 5,00 20,00 3,00 28,00
Resolució d'exercicis 4,00 16,00 4,00 24,00
Sessió participativa 30,00 0 30,00 60,00
Simulacions 2,00 0 2,00 4,00
Visionat/audició de documents 4,00 2,00 4,00 10,00
Total 48,00 57,00 45,00 150


  • Brook-Hart, Guy (2014). Complete First, Student’s Book with Answers. Cambridge University Press and UCLES.
  • Barbara Thomas & Amanda Thomas (2014). Complete First, Workbook with answers. Madrid: Cambridge University Press.
  • Norris, Roy (2016). Straight to First, Student’s Book with Answers. London: Macmillan Education.
  • Lockyer, Alice (2016). Straight to First, Workbook. London: Macmillan Education.
  • Osbourne, Charles (2018). Cambridge English: First (FCE). National Geographic Learning.
  • Kenny, Nick & Luque-Mortimer, Lucrecia (2014). Cambridge English First. Practice Tests Plus 2. New edition for the 2015 exam specifications. Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd.
  • Prodromou, Luke (2012). Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge First. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Harrison, Mark (2008). Use of English. First Certificate Skills for Cambridge English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Peter Strutt (2013). English for International Tourism. Upper-intermediate. Pearson.
  • Robin Walker, Keith Harding (2007). Tourism 2 (First edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Interactive lessons Students will be assessed according to the frequency with which they attend lessons and how they participate in them, whether lessons are at school, on line or in a blended scenario. 10 No
Self-study work Tasks that students will have to do on their own from a workbook. 10 No
Class presentation Students will give a class presentation about a specific topic related to tourism. 10 No
Writing tests In the COMMUNICATION block, students will have to do a test that will consist in writing a review of one of the series watched in class. 5 No
Oral exams Two oral exams (one each semester)that will require students to show their ability to produce spontaneous language based on the activities covered in the communication block. Minimum score: 4.5 in the second exam. 25
Written exams Four exams that will be held in mid and late semester. Each test will include all grammar and vocabulary points covered in the grammar block following the format of Cambridge FCE, which includes Use of English, listening, reading and writing tasks. 40


Important to remember:

1.If a student has a mean grade of 5 or over 5 but has a mark lower than 4.5 in the 2nd oral exam (the one held in late May), they will have to re-sit only the ORAL EXAM in late June.

2.If the mean grade is lower than 5 because of the grammar block, they will have to re-sit only that part.

3.If the mean grade is lower than 5 because the student has had a poor performance in both blocks, they will have to re-sit both the grammar and the oral block.

4.If the mean grade is 4.8 or 4.9: The teacher will look at the mark from attendance and participation and will decide whether the student will have to re-sit exams in accordance with the students’ engagement in the course. If the mean grade is lower than 4.8, students will have to go to re-sits.

5.At re-sits (both written and oral), students will have to take a comprehensive exam of all the year. The marks accumulated throughout the course will count for nothing at re-sits. The maximum grade that can be obtained at re-sits is a 6.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
"NO PRESENTAT" will be given only to those students who do not show up to the exam.

Avaluació única:
Students who finally do single evaluation will have to do the following tasks: 1) written exam first semester- 20%; oral exam first semester - 15%; written exam 2nd semester - 25%; oral exam 2nd semester - 20%; 4 writing tasks - 20% (5% each task, two tasks each semester).

Deadline to request single evaluation: 16 October 2020

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
Per considerar superada l’assignatura, caldrà obtenir una qualificació mínima de 5.0

To pass the subject, students must have a minimum grade of 5.


Students will have two hours of tutorials per week. They can book a fifteen or thirty-minute time slot to be with the teacher and make their consultations.

Students must book their tutorial beforehand by using the schools's booking system for tutorials.

Tutorials can be held face-to-face in the centre or online through streaming as requested by students.

Students should go to these tutorials well-prepared with doubts and queries; in no way are these tutorials meant to be repetition of lessons for those learners who failed to attend in due time.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

Faculty and students can get in touch with each other through different channels. On a regular basis students use the email of our virtual campus or the gmail of the centre. We also communicate by writing side comments on GOOGLE shared documents.

If lessons are held on line, what can be used is the FORUM of the moodle or the chats of HANGOUTS or MEET.

For sessions on streaming we tend to use HANGOUTS or MEET.

Another channel of communication is the tutorials mentioned above.


There will be two groups for English lessons in order to reinforce interaction between teacher and students and promote conversation and oral practice in class.

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
Activities will be the same if lessons have to be held on line because of another hypothetical lockdown situation. In that case, the amount of hours counted in the face-to-face modality will be reverted to hours with virtual teacher.

Modificació de l'avaluació:
Evaluation tasks will be maintained. The only thing that will differ is that exams will be held online through Google forms. If that happens, exams will be administered by means of different google forms, and timings will be tightened to avoid possible cheating.

Tutoria i comunicació:
Tutorials will be held online in the advent of another lockdown situation. The booking system will work as usual.

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