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Mr.   Costas Salgueiro, Miguel

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en Química Bioinspirada, Supramolecular i Catàlisi (QBIS-CAT)

Brief CV

Miquel Costas was born in Vigo in 1971. He graduated in Chemistry at the University of Girona in 1994, where he also pursued PhD studies. Research work during the PhD involved scientific stays at Texas A&M under the supervision of late Prof Derek Barton (1996), and in Basel at the group of Prof. Andreas Zuberbüehler (1998). After defending the PhD dissertation, he moved to the group of Prof. Lawrence Que, Jr, at the University of Minnesota with a Fundació La Caixa Fellowship. In September 2002 he returned to Girona with a Ramon I Cajal Fellowship, and become professor in April 2003. In 2005 he made a scientific stay at Caneggie Mellon University under the supervision of Prof. Eckard Munck. Since 2006, he is group leader of the QBIS research group in the UdG. His research interests are broad and involve the fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of O2 activation and/or substrate oxidation taking place at transition metal ions that have biological relevance, specially Fe, Cu and Mn. Research in his group is also devoted to the development of bioinspired oxidation catalysts to carry out selective hydrocarbon oxidation reactions under environmentally benign conditions, and the aplication of these reactions to technologically relevant problems such as chemical synthesis, environmental chemistry, metallodrug development and energy related problems. In 2008, 2013 and 2018 he was awarded with ICREA Academia Awards from the Generalitat de Catalunya, and he was granted with a ERC-Starting Grant for the development of bioinspired C-H and C=C oxidation catalysts. He was awarded for the Excellence in Research Award of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry in 2014. He has been invited professor at the University of Utrecht. He also lead research projects from the Ministerio de Ciencia y tecnologia, included a project from the Consolider Ingenio framework.

Outline of scientififc production;

170 publications in international journals, >9500 citations, h index = 48

Director of 15 PhD thesis defended

> 100 invited conferences to Spanish and International Universities, and international conferences

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