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Mrs.   Planas Grabuleda, Marta

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca Laboratori d'Innovació en Processos i Productes de Síntesi Orgànica (LIPPSO)

Brief CV

Dr. Marta Planas obtained her PhD degree in 1996 working on the synthesis of polyfunctionalized oxaspiro[4.4]nonanes. She carried out a two-year postdoctoral research at the University of Minnesota under the supervision of Prof. George Barany. During this period, she participated in a project centered on the preparation of peptide nucleic acids that allowed her to learnt the main strategies of solid-phase synthesis. In 2002, she obtained the position of Associate Professor at the Chemistry Department and in 2022 was promoted to Full Professor. She currently leads the Laboratori d'Innovació en Productes i Processos de Síntesi Orgànica (LIPPSO) along with Dr. Eduard Bardají. She was the head of the Chemistry Department from June 2010 until November 2013. She has participated in 25 research projects, being the principal investigator of 6 of them. She has co-authored 85 articles, 5 patents and 143 communications in national and international congresses, of which 17 have given rise to JCR articles. Dr. Planas has co-supervised 12 PhD theses and 3 are currently in process.

Her main research interests are focused on: (i) the development of strategies for the solid-phase synthesis of peptides containing non natural aminoacids; (ii) the design and synthesis of peptides and peptidomimetics with antimicrobial and antitumor activity.


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