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Dr.  Nuss Girona, Sergi-Girona

Plana personal

Àrea de coneixement
Grup de recerca
Grup de Recerca en Anàlisi i Planificació Territorial i Ambiental

Currículum abreujat

Lecturer at the Master's in Tourism Planning and Management and Master's in Socioecological Transitions.

Supervisor of Final Master's Theses and Final Degree Theses, and Tutor of PhD candidates.

Member of the Geography Department

Member of Anàlisi i Planificació Territorial i Ambiental and LEQUIA reserearch groups, Institute of the Environment - UdG

Research Projects:

Project Manager - CLEPSIDRA (2023-2025): Modelo virtual de ciudad para planificar escenarios de futuro del ciclo urbano. LEQUIA-UdG. TED2021-131862B-I00. Funded by MICIU/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and the EU "NextGenerationEU/PRTR”.

Researcher - MOVxPAIMED (2021-2025) Paisajes salvados/paisajes por salvar. Movilización social y preservación del paisaje en el litoral mediterraneo espanyol. APTA-UdG. (PID 2020-116850RB-I00). Funded by AEI - Proyectos I+D+I.

Researcher - RiskAdapT (2021-2024). Adaptación a los riesgos asociados al cambio climático en espacios turísticos del litoral mediterráneo: percepción, incentivos y barreras.  SAMBI-UdG. PID2019-104480GB-I00. Funded by MINECO.

Researcher and trainer -SAVINGSCAPES (2019-2022): Fostering collaborative knowledge creation and civic engagement in the field of landscape governance (2019-1-F101-KA203-060867) www.savingscapes.eu. Funded by EU Erasmus+ Programme.

Researcher - Savingscapes (2019-2021): Role and relevance of civil society in landscape and heritage conservation. Compared case study in the provinces of Girona (Spain) and Genoa (Italy). Funded by UdG-UNIGE


Climate Action Campaigner at Associació Renovem-nos  


PhD in Geography and Environmental Sciences (UdG, 2014). Title of the research: Green Cities and Green Urban Economy; contributions from case studies for a necessary low-carbon future. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/321116

MsC Environment Management (UdG, 2009)

BsC in Environmental Science (UdG, 1997).

Research / Teaching Internships:

2015 - Post-doc research grant in Lincoln University, New Zealand. Erasmus Mundus Program: NESSIE.

2014 - PhD Visitor Researcher at NINA, Oslo, Norway. EEA Science & Mobility Project: NILS.

2011-2012 - PhD Visitor Researcher at ICLEI-Europe, including field work trips to 6 cities in 6 countries. Mobility Fellowships, UdG.

2012 - Teaching Mobility Grant in Olot, Spain, within the Intensive Summer School: Planning and Change. Erasmus Program.

2011 - Teaching Mobility Grant in Alghero, Italy, within the Intensive Summer School: Planning and Climate Change. Erasmus Program.

2010 - Teaching Mobility Grant in Feltre, Italy, within the Intensive Summer School: Planning and Climate Change. Erasmus Program.


Nuss-Girona, S.; Delponte, I.; Vicente Rufí, J.; and Costa, V. (2023). Environmental movements shaping the landscape in Genoa and Girona: From reactive to regenerative local mobilizations? Progress in Planning, Volume 178, doi.org/10.1016/j.progress.2023.100777

Delponte, I., Costa, V., Nuss-Girona, S. and Vicente Rufí, J. (2023). Civil Society Mobilizations Shaping Landscape in Genoa and Girona Areas: Results and Lessons Learnt from the Savingscapes Project. Land 2023, 12(4), 922, doi.org/10.3390/land12040922

Vicente Rufí, Joan; Nuss-Girona, Sergi; Castañer Vivas, Mita; Feliu Torrent, Jaume; Martín-Uceda, Javi  Landscape preservation on the mediterranean coast; do social movements play a decisive role? The case of Costa Brava (Spain). In Urban dinamics in the post-pandemic-period. Tourist spaces and urban centres. Cham (CHE): Springer, 2023. 

Nuss-Girona, Sergi; Soy, Emma; Canaleta, Guillem; Alay, Ona; Domènec, Rut; Prat-Guitart, Núria (2022). Fire Flocks: Participating Farmers’ Perceptions after Five Years of Development. Land 11(10), 1718, doi.org/10.3390/land11101718

Joan Vicente and Sergi Nuss-Girona (2021). 50 años de movilizaciones ambientalistas en las comarcas de Girona: argumentos, organizaciones y resultados. In Ibarra, Puig and Sribman. Impactos. ¿Qué consiguen los movimientos sociales? Bellaterra edicions, Manresa. pp 143-152. ISBN: 978-84-18684-17-3

Vicente, J. et al 2021. Aree turistiche mature e decrescita. Due esperienze a confronto: la Costa Brava e la Liguria. Dins de Gialmo, Tosi i Voghera. Tecniche urbanitiche per un fase di decrescita. Atti de la XXIII Conferenza Nazionale SIU Volume 01. Planum, Milà. The Journal of Urbanism. pp 48-52. DOI: 10.53143/PLM.C.121 Accedit 11/10/2021: https://issuu.com/planumnet/docs/volume_01_ok 

Nuss-Girona, S., Vicente Rufí, J., and Canaleta, G.(2020). 50 Years of Environmental Activism in Girona, Catalonia: From Case Advocacy to Regional Planning. Land. Volum 9, pp.172, https://doi.org/10.3390/land9060172

Toni Llobet i Sergi Nuss Girona, 2019. Miniguia i mapa de campanya: 50 espècies i paratges de la Costa Brava en perill. Cossetània i Oryx, Barcelona, 16 pp.

Nuss-Girona, S., Castañer, M., and Vila-Subirós, J. (2018). Ciudad verde y desarrollo urbano bajo en carbono: estudio comparativo en el ámbito. A Ciudad verde y desarrollo urbano bajo en carbono: estudio comparativo en el ámbito paneuropeo. In Enfoques en la planificación territorial y urbanística. Coord. Mora, J., Aranzadi – Thomson Reuters, ISBN 978-84-9177-668-0, págs. 365-378.

Nuss-Girona, S. & Castañer, M. (Eds.) (2015). Ecosystem Services: concepts, methodologies and instruments for research applied Use. Documenta Universitaria and Edicions a Petició, S.L., Girona. 

Nuss-Girona, S. (2014). PhD Thesis: Green Cities and Green Urban Economy; contributions from case studies for a necessary low-carbon future. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/321116

Nuss, S., Llausàs, A., Figueras, J., Morera, S. The SEAP in the city of Girona, a crossroads between boldness and pragmatism. Local Environment. The international journal of justice and sustainabilityDOI: 10.1080/13549839.2014.974150

Castañer, M. i Nuss, S. (Eds) (2012). Governança de la sostenibilitat i el canvi climàtic en l'àmbit local. Documenta Universitaria and Edicions a Petició, Girona.

Vicente, J. & Nuss, S. (2010). Les Comarques Gironines: entre les inèrcies i el projecte. In: Llibre Blanc de les infraestrutures de l’Euram. Euroregió de l’arc mediterrani. Volum 3: Anàlisis acadèmiques de l’Euram, Institut Ignasi Villalonga. ISBN: 978-84-7502-862-0. Edicions, Tres i Quatre, València.

Barriocanal, C., Varga, D., Vila Subirós, J., Nuss Girona, S., Hidalgo, J. (2010). Mitigating the environmental impact of a gas pipeline wit special regard to biodiversity using Geographical Information Systems. In: TOP Biodiversity. Threats, Opportunities and Paces. Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 978-1-4457-8550-9. Larnaca, Cyprus.

Nuss Girona, S. (coord.); Antequera, J.; Adrobau, E; Jiménez, A.; Pla, P; Soy, E. (2009). Sostenibilitat a les Comarques Gironines: Balanç després de 10 anys d’Agendes 21 Locals. Documenta Universitaria and Edicions a Petició, Girona.

Nuss, S., Antequera, J., Jiménez, A., Pla, P., Adrobau, E. (2007). Informe de Sostenibilitat de les Comarques Gironines. Observatori de Sostenibilitat de les Comarques Gironines.

Contributions in Congresses:

2023: VIII EARQ - Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura, Urbanismo, Territorialidad y Ambiente. Ibarra, Equador, 20-24 November 2023. Keynote presentation "LAS UNIVERSIDADES Y EL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO: POR UNA NUEVA HEGEMONÍA CULTURAL" and Workshop Facilitation "Adaptación territorial al cambio climático; herramientas para la planificación y gobernanza colaborativa". 

Comunicació del mateix títol a la XXIII Conferenza Nazionale SIU. DOWNSCALING, RIGHTSIZING. Contrazione demografica e Riorganizzazione spaziale. Torí, 17-17 juny 2021.

Sergi Nuss-Girona i Joan Vicente Rufí. 50 Years of Environmental Activism in Girona, Catalonia: From Case Advocacy to Regional Planning. 8th EUGEO Congress of the Geography of Europe. Praga, 28/06-01/07/2021

Sergi Nuss-Girona i Joan Vicente Rufí. 50 Years of Environmental Activism in Girona, Catalonia: From Case Advocacy to Regional Planning. Comunicació a la 10th IALE World Congress, Milà 1-5/07/2020

Communication: "Cities and the EU 2020 Strategy: Analysis of actors, tools and impact related to climate change policies and green economy" Congress: ICLEI World Congress 2012, Belo Horizonte (BRAZIL), 2012.

Communication: "From Green Urban Economy to a Network of Autopoietic Region-Cities: a strategy for a sustainable economy under the scenario of degrowth" Congress: 3rd International Conference on Degrowth, Ecologial Sustainability and Social Equity, Venice (ITALY) 2012. 

Coordinator of the XV International Summer School on the Environment. Ecosystem Services: concepts, methodologies and instruments for research and applied use. Environment Institute, UdG. Girona (SPAIN), 2015.

Coordinator of the I, II, III, IV Seminar Paisatges Salvats - Paisatges per Salvar. Geography Department - UdG, SOS Costa Brava and Associació Naturalistes de Girona: www.paisatgessalvats.cat (2018-2021)

Coordinator of the Seminar: "Decreixement: una realitat emergent". Geography Department, UdG, and Associació Naturalistes de Girona. Girona (SPAIN), 2014.

Coordinator of the XI International Summer School on the Environment. Governance of sustainability and climate change at local level. Environment Institute, UdG. Girona (SPAIN), 2011.

Supervised works:

Molina, M.M. (2021). Entre el despojo y el extractivismo: comunidades afectadas por las políticas de conservación de áreas protegidas. Treball Final de Màster. Màster en Canvi Ambiental, Universitat de Girona.

Nieddu, D. (2020). Constrastare il consumo di suolo in Costa Brava. Estrategie e azioni per un possibile contrato di costa. Treball Final de Màster. Master Interuniversitari PPCEL, Università degli Studi di Sassari.

Vallès, J. (2020). L’aplicació d’eines SIG en l’anàlisi dels Canvis Ambientals de la Plana de l’Empordà (1987-2017). Treball Final de Màster. Màster en Canvi Ambiental, Universitat de Girona.


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