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Sr.   Campdepadros Cullell, Roger

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Grup de recerca
Grup de Recerca Interdisciplinar en Gènere i Desigualtats Socials (IGESI)

Currículum abreujat

Formal Studies

 §  PhD in Sociology, European Doctorat, Department of Sociology, University of Malaga. (Presented in May 2012). Doctoral Thesis “The role of the social networks in immigrants’ social integration. The construction of an Integration Index through the Immigration National Survey”. Directed by Dr. Felix Requena Santos (currently Director of CIS – Center of Sociological Research, Spain).

§  Advanced Studies Diploma “Globalization, Multiculturalism and Social Exclusion. Migrations”, University of Almeria. 20/12/2005. Qualification: Excellent.

§  Advanced Studies Diploma in Sociology, University of Barcelona. 23/12/2003. Qualification: Excellent.

§  Postgrade “Participation and Sustainable Development. Methodologies for a local and communitarian development”, Autonomous University of Barcelona. 18/07/2001. (330 hours)

§  Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude, Institute of Educational Sciences, University of Barcelona. 1998-1999 (300 hours).

§  Grade in Sociology, University of Barcelona, 21/12/1998.

Articles, books and book chapters published

§ Sabater, A., López, B., Campdepadrós, R., & Sánchez, C. (2024). Participatory Action Research for Artificial Intelligence in Social Services: An Example of Local Practices in Spain. In P. Ahrweiler (Ed.), Artificial Intelligence for Assessment. Springer.

§ Duque, E., Salceda, M., Campdepadrós-Cullell, R., Merodio, G., Puigvert-Mallart, L. (2024). Consent? At the start, you do not even think about it. Coercive discourse in the awakening of affective-sexual relationships in young women. Young, 32(1), 5-21. https:doi.org/10.1177/11033088231198600. ISSN: 1103-3088. SAGE Publications. Estados Unidos. 2Q JCR (Social Sciences Interdisciplinary), 1Q SJR (Sociology and Political Sciences, Social Sciences)

§ de Botton, L., Campdepadrós, R., Eliyahu-Levy, D., & Meishar, M. (2024). A bridge between educational activities that enable social integration of migrant children in Israel and Spain. The scientific evidence and the methodology behind the scenes. In. S. Petropoulos, R. Ricucci & A. Rosa (Eds.), Pathways to inclusion in different educational environments. Migrant children and LLL skills within and outside Europe. (pp. 137-169). Pensa Multimedia. ISBN: 979-12-5568-087-1

§ López, B., Campdepadros, R., & Sabater, A. (2023). Sequence Pattern Mining for Citizens Behaviour Learning in Fair-Purpose Social Games. Some Preliminary Results. En I. Sanz et al. (Eds.). Artificial Intelligence Research and Development (pp. 231-240). Vol. 375. IOS Press Ebooks. https://doi.org/10.3233/FAIA230687

§ Campdepadrós Cullell, R. (2023). El papel de las redes sociales en la integración social de los inmigrantes. La construcción de un índice de integración para el caso español. CENTRA Ciencias Sociales. ISBN: 978-84-123496-9-6 

§ Valls, R., Serradell, O., Campdepadrós, R., de Botton, L. (2022). Qualitative methodology innovation that promotes educational success of children of immigrant families in disadvantaged contexts. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21, 1-17.  https://doi.org/10.1177/16094069221078735. 1Q JCR (Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary), 1Q SJR (Education) 

§ Puigvert-Mallart, L., Campdepadrós Cullell, R., Canal, J.M., & García-Yeste, C. (2022). Reducing health effects on deceit in heterosexual sexual-affective relationships: The impact of the Preventive Socialization Program (PSP). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 2274. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19042274. 1Q JCR (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health), 1Q SJR (Public Health, Environmental & Occupational Health)

§ García-Yeste, C., De Botton, L., Alvarez, P., & Campdepadrós, R. (2021). Actions to promote the employment and social inclusion of Muslim women who wear the hijab in Catalonia (Spain). Sustainability, 13(6991), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13136991. 2Q JCR (Environmental Studies), 1Q SJR (Geography, Planning and Developement) 

§ Campdepadrós-Cullell, R., Pulido-Rodríguez, M.A., Marauri, J., & Racionero-Plaza, S. (2021). Interreligious Dialogue Groups enabling human agency. Religions, 12(3), 189. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12030189. 1Q JCI-JCR (Religion), 1Q SJR (Religious Studies)

§ Campdepadrós-Cullell, R., & de Botton, L. (2021). The role of the Dialogical Model of Conflict Resolution in the prevention of violent radicalisation. In S. Bonino & R. Ricucci (Eds.), Islam and Security in the West (pp. 139-161). Palgrave MacMillan. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67925-5

§ Melgar Alcantud, P., Campdepadrós-Cullell, R., Fuentes-Pumarola, C., & Mut-Espinelva, E. (2020). I think I will need help.   A systematic review of who facilitates the recovery from gender-based violence and how they do so. Health Expectations, Online first, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1111/hex.13157. 1Q JCR (Health Policy & Services), 1Q SJR (Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health)

§ Campdepadrós-Cullell, R., Molina-Roldán, S., Ramis-Salas, M., & De Botton, L. (2020). The Vic Model: From school redistribution to xenophobic voting. Political Geography, 8(102254), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2020.102254 . 1Q JCR (Political Science), 1Q SJR (Sociology and Political Science). 

§ Madrid, A., Joanpere, M., De Botton, L., & Campdepadrós, R. (2020). Media Manipulation Against Social Justice Researchers: Second-Order Sexual Harassment. Qualitative Inquiry, 26(8-9), 983-988.  https://doi.org/10.1177/1077800420938853. 1Q JCR (Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary), 1Q SJR (Social Sciences Miscellaneous).

§ Redondo-Sama, G., Díez-Palomar, J., Campdepadrós, R., & Morlà, T. (2020). Communicative Methodology: Contributions to Social Impact Assessment in Psychological Research. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 286.   https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00286 . 2Q JCR (Psychology, Multidisciplinary), 1Q SJR (General Psychology). 

§ Santos Pitanga, T., Sánchez-Miret, C., & Campdepadrós, R. (2019). El Rol de las interacciones en el aprendizaje de competencias en los programas de inserción laboral: una lectura des del interaccionismo simbólico de G.H. Mead. En, Dos Santos-Costa, G., Rajadell, N., & Pinto, C. (Eds.), Educación e inclusión: desafíos formativos y curriculares (pp. 231-248). Barcelona: Editorial Saragossa. ISBN: 978-84-120797-1-5

§ Campdepadrós, R. (2019). The pimping of prostitution. Abolishing the sex work myth (Review of the book). Géneros. Multidisciplinary journal of gender studies, 8(3), 305-306.  http://dx.doi.org/10.17583/generos.2019.4793 

§ Campdepadrós, R. (2017). Islam and secularity. The future of Europe's public sphere [Review of the Book]. Scientific Journal on Intercultural Studies, 3(1), 101-104. http://dx.doi.org/10.17583/recei.2017.2630

§ Pulido, C., Elboj, C., Campdepadrós, R., & Cabré, J. (2014). Exclusionary and transformative dimensions: Communicative analysis enhancing solidarity among women to overcome gender violence. Qualitative Inquiry, 20(7), 889-894. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077800414537212. 1Q JCR (Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary). 1Q SJR (Social Sciences, Miscellaneous)

§  Campdepadrós, R. (2011). “El papel de la comunidad étnica y la red de apoyo familiar en la integración de los inmigrantes”, Requena, F. (coord.). Redes de apoyo social. Madrid: Civitas, pp. 183-218. ISBN: 9788447037162

§  Campdepadrós, R. (2011). “Convergencia educativa en España y en la Unión Europea”, Revista de la Asociación de Sociología de la Educación, vol.4, nº2, pp. 152-162, ISSN 1988-7302.

§  Campdepadrós, R.  (2009). “Educación y desarrollo: las CC AA españolas y los países de la Unión Europea” en Gobernado, R. (coord.) La modernización regional en España. Madrid: Civitas, pp. 105-132. ISBN: 978-84-470-3164-1.

§  Oliver, E.; Campdepadrós, R. (2009). “La escuela desde las utopías reales de O.Wright”, Revista de la Asociación de Sociología de la Educación, vol. 2, nº 3, pp. 14-21, ISSN 1988-7302.

§  Campdepadrós, R.; Pulido, C. (2009). “La sociología de la educación desde la pedagogía crítica”, Teoría de la Educación. Educación y Cultura en la Sociedad de la Información. Revista electrónica. Monográfico Pedagogía Crítica del s.XXI, vol. 10, nº 3, pp. 57-73.  ISSN 1138-9737. 4Q SJR (Education)

§ Al Morabiti, F., Campdepadrós, R., Mhanna, A. (2006). Educación intercultural y violencia contra mujeres árabe-musulmanas. En Osorio, M., González, A., Soriano, E. (Eds.), Interculturalidad y género. (pp. 195-206). Almería:Universidad de Almería.ISBN 84-689-7142-1

§ Navas, M.; García M. C; Pumares, P; Sánchez- Miranda, J; Fernández Prados, J. S., Campdepadrós, R. (2005). Exclusión y marginación social en autóctonos e inmigrantes africanos y su relación con otras variables psicosociales. En Romay Martínez, J.; García Mira, R.A. (Eds.), Psicología social y problemas sociales. Vol. I. Epistemología, procesos grupales y procesos psicosociales básicos (pp. 279-285). Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva,. ISBN: 84-9742-450-6. Dipòsit legal: M-33.296-2005 


Participation in Competitive Research

§ Surv_Child. Infancia que convive con la violencia de género: redes de apoyo que les ayudan a ser supervivientes. (2023-2027). I+D+I Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. IP: Patrícia Melgar Alcantud.

§ CONSENTNET. Actos Comunicativos que promueven el consentimiento. Red Temática de Investigación destinada a mejorar y expandir los resultados del proyecto I+D+i CONSENT. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (2023-2025). Ayuda RED2022-134866-T /10.13039/501100011033. IP: Lidia Puigvert

§ Suport a la creació del Centre d'Orientation et de Documentation des Émigrés Sénégalais (CODES)-Senegal (2022-2023). Oficina de Cooperació de la Universitat de Girona

§ AIFORA. Artificial Intelligence for Assessment (2021-2024). Volskwagen Stiftung. Ref. 86204949. Principal Investigator: Petra Arhweiler

§ KIDS4ALLL. Key Inclusive Development Strategies for LifeLongLearning (2020-2023). H2020. Principal Investigator: Roberta Ricucci

§ Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility - the case of Europe (SCoSoRe) (2019-2021). ERASMUS+. Spanish Principal Investigator: Angels Xabadia

§ SOL.NET Solidarity networks with impact on gender-based violence victims' recovery processes (2019-2021). I+D+I Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Principal Investigator: Patricia Melgar Alcantud.

§ UNIROM. Gitanos y gitanas en la universidad (2019). Cátedra de Cultura Gitana, Universidad de Alicante. Investigadora principal: Ainhoa Flecha Fernández de Sanmamed

§ “Competitive Cooperativism. Contributions to Sustainability and Employment Quality in the Current Economic Moment”  (Ministerio Economía y Competitividad, 2012-2014). Principal Investigator: José Ramón Flecha García.

§ END-TRAFFICKING. Social changes and innovations preventing and reducing women's trafficking for sexual explotation reasons (2013-2016). Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016. Referencia FEM2013-46670-R. Principal Investigator: Lídia Puigvert. Category: Full time researcher.

§  “Social Networks as a Social Support Providers (RESARCAS)”, (Ministerio Ciencia e Innovación, 2008-2011). Principal Investigator: Félix Requena Santos.

§  “Andalusia in Spain. Compared Analysis of Their Respective Social Structures” (Ministerio Educación y Ciencia, 2007-2010). Principal Investigator: Rafael Gobernado Arribas.

§  “TRANSMIGRA. Analysis of Moroccan, Romanian and Ecuadorian Economic and Political Transnationality Processes”, (Ministerio Educación y Ciencia, 2005-2008).  Principal Investigator: José Ramón Flecha García.

§  “AMAL. Labor Market and Immigration”, (Minestrio Ciencia y Tecnología, 2001-2005). Principal Investigator: José Ramón Flecha García.

§ “Atando cabos.  Estudio y transmisión de la cultura del trabajo, a través de los relatos de las personas mayores en Almería” (2004). Consejería de Asuntos Sociales. Delegación Provincial de Almería. Laboratorio de Antropología Social y Cultural. Universidad de Almería.  Investigador principal: Francisco Checa Olmos.

§ “Proceso participativo para el Plan Estratégico Integral de Esparreguera”. (2001). Ajuntament d'Esparreguera. Grupo de Investigación del Posgrado de Participación ciudadana y metodologías participativas de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.  Investigador principal: Oscar Rebollo. 

§ “Estudio de la población en el ámbito del PERI de La Chanca” (2005). Empresa Pública del Suelo Andaluz. Junta de Andalucía. Área de Geografía Humana – Departamento de Historia, Geografía e Historia del Arte. Universidad de Almería.  Investigador principal: Pablo Pumares.  

§ “Estudio de la Sociedad de la Información y el Tercer Sector en Almería” (2005). Consejería de Asuntos Sociales de la Junta de Andalucía. Area de Sociología – Departamento de Historia, Geografía e Historia del Arte. Universidad de Almería. Investigador principal: Gonzalo Herranz de Rafael.


Research Stages

§ Centro de Investigación Social Aplicada (CISA), Universidad de Málaga. Invitation: Félix Requena Santos. Lenght: 1st June - 30th July 2021.

§ Department of Culture, Politics and Society, University of Turin. Invitation: Roberta Ricucci / Franca Roncarolo. Lenght: 22nd February - 24th May 2021.

§ Social Work Research Center, Beijing University-Hong Kong Politechnic University, China. Director: Pun Ngai. Length: 1st june – 31st august 2012.

§  Centre d’Etude des Rationalités et des Savoirs - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Solidarités, Sociétés, Territoires (CERS-LISST), Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, France. Director: Michel Grossetti. Length: 15th february-15th may 2010

§  Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research – Institute for Social Research (ICPSR-ISR), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States. Director: Will Jacoby. Lenght: 20th june – 13th august 2010

§  University of Wisconsin. Lenght: june – september 2007.


Papers and communications accepted in authonomic, national and international conferences

Congreso Catalán de Sociología: 1999, 2003, 2009, 2017

Conferencia de Sociología de la Educación: 2004.

Congreso Español de Sociología, FES: 2004, 2007, 2009, 2019.

Congreso Andaluz de Sociología: 2006, 2008

Congreso Nacional de la Inmigración en España: 2007, 2009.

Congreso Internacional Multidisciplinar de Investigación Educativa: 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018.

International Sociological Association Conference/Forum: 2008, 2014, 2018.

International Society of Sociology of Religion Conference: 2019

European Sociological Association Conference: 2009, 2011, 2013, 2017, 2019, 2021

Congreso International de Ciencia, Feminismo y Masculinidades: 2019, 2021


Research Groups and Research Networks Membership

§  “Centre of Research in Theories and Practices that Overcome Inequalities (CREA)”, University of Barcelona. Since 2000

§  “Phsycosocial and Methodological Studies”, University of Almeria (PAI HUM-743) 2004-2007

§  “Area of Sociology”, University of Almeria. 2007-2008

§  “Social Networks and Social Structures” (SEJ 471), University of Malaga (http://ofertaidi.uma.es/fichas/SEJ471.pdf). Since 2008

§  European Sociological Association Research Network 35. Sociology of Migrations. Since 2008. Research Network 34 Sociology of Religion (board member since 2019)

§ Interdisciplinar Gender Studies and Inequalities (IGESI), University of Girona. Since 2019


Teaching Experience

§  Professor at University of Almeria (2004-2006), Assistant Professor at the Department of State Law and Sociology, University of Málaga (2007-2009), Department of Business, University of Girona (2009-currently).

§  He has taught at the following Grades: Business, Economics, Accounting and Finances, Administration and Business Management, Tourism, Industrial Relations, Criminology, Political and Administration Sciences.

§  He has taught at the following Másters: Master’s in Business Economics. European Economic Integration and Business Administration (University of Girona). Master’s in Human and Sustainable Development (Catedra UNESCO-University of Girona).

§  He has taught the following subjects: General Sociology, Sociology of Organizations, Sociology of Firms, Industrial Relations, Sociology of Consumption, Social Profile of Consumers (Máster), Social Structure, Social Inequalities (Máster), Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodologies, Introduction to Statistics and Social Research, How to conduct surveys, How to introduce surveys into SPSS, How to analyze surveys with SPSS.

§  He has tutorized university students Practicums in big, medium and small firms.

§  He has tutorized local and communitarian development projects.


Labor Experience

· Several Applied Social Research Experience:

o   TIC implementation in business and entreprises of Terrassa, Spain. (1998). Principal Investigator: Eduard Arderiu. Working for TRAS.

o   TIC implementation in NGO of Almeria, Spain (2005). P.I.: Gonzalo Herranz. Working for the Sociology Area Research Group of the University of Almeria.

o   Intercultural Networks: A Participatory Immigrant Associations’ Network Building (2008). P.I.: Tomás Rodríguez Villasante. Working for the International Observatory on Citizenship and Sustainable Environment (CIMAS).

o   Concreting a Citizen Participation Organism in St.Cosme Neigborhood, Prat del Llobregat (2000-2001). P.I. Katherine Raleigh. Working for the Association for Studying and Promotion of Community Development (AEPDC).

o   Participatory Definition of the Integral Strategic Planning of the Esparraguera Municipality (2001). P.I.: Oscar Rebollo. Working for the Participation Postgrade of the Authonomous University of Barcelona.

o   Social Diagnosis on Convivence and Citizens Safety Perception in Palau Neigborhood, Mataró (2001). P.I.: Mikel Aramburu. Working for the Association for Studying and Promotion of Community Development (AEPDC).

o   Participatory Definition of the Integral Development Planning of Rocafonda Neighborhood, Mataró (2001). P.I.: Mikel Aramburu. Working for the Association for Studying and Promotion of Community Development (AEPDC).

o   Studying Social Needs of “Mental Ill’s Relatives Catalan Associations (FECAFAMM)” (2000). P.I.: Roger Campdepadros-Cullell.

o   Studying Social and Associative Needs of “Maresme Physical Disabled People Association (GIMM)” (1997-1998). P.I.: Roger Campdepadros-Cullell.

o   Studying Social and Educative Needs of Muslim People of Almeria (2009-2010). P.I.: Roger Campdepadros-Cullell. Working for the Almeria Imams Center for Peace.

·         Technical Assistance at the Area of Social Participation of the Almeria Council. Category group contract: A. (2006-2007) Leading different projects: “Participatory Diagnosis of the City of Almeria”, “Communitarian Planning of the Puche Neighborhood, Almeria”

·         Social Dynamizer:

o   AGORA. Longlife Learning Participants Association (2003).

o   FACEPA. Cultural and Educative Catalan Associations’ Federation (2002).

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