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Dra.  Montserrat Bueno, Genoveva

Personal page

Area of knowledge

Brief CV

Dr. Genoveva Montserrat

Associate professor in the Microbiology Department of the University of Girona.

Degree and PhD in Pharmacy, Environmental Health knowledge area from the University of Barcelona in 2000.

Master's degree in Nutrition and Human Food from the UB-IL3.

Professor in the Area of Plant Biology, Natural Products and Soil Science in the 90s. She began her stay in the Microbiology Area in 2001, initially as a post-doc and later as a permanent and associate professor, until nowadays.

Participation in teaching: Edaphology, Environmental Health, Hydrology, Soil Contamination and Remediation, General Microbiology, Fundamental Biology, Environmental Microbiology, Geomicrobiology, Microbiological Analysis, Applied Microbiology, Microbiology Practices, Clinical Microbiology, Integrated Scientific Techniques, Food Hygiene, subjects in the degree or degree program in Pharmacy, CTA, Biology, Biotechnology and double degree.

Tutoring students in the PAT program.

Tutoring of practical work and TFG.



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