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Mr.   Prades Celma, Jose Luis

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en Filosofia

Brief CV

I am “Professor Titular” in the Department of Philosophy at Girona Univertsity. Previously I have held teaching positions at the universities of Valencia and Murcia. I am a member of the LOGOS research group. I specialize in theory of knowledge, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, and  philosophy of action. My publications include articles (17), chapters of books (20) and books (3) on Wittgenstein, action-theory, theory of knowledge and the metaphysics of mind. Among them, I would stress the book Minds, Causes and Mechanisms, in the Aristotelian Society Series (Blackwell) -co-author: Josep Corbí. I have been commissioned by the Sociedad Española de Filosofia Analítica for the coordination of the book Cuestiones de Metafísica, in the Serie de Filosofía de la Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica, (Ed. Tecnos) 


I studied philosophy at the University of Valencia, where I got both my first degree and my Ph.D. I got a grant from the British Council to do post-doctoral research at Oxford University (1987). I have been a research visitor at the University of California (Berkeley) (1990-91).

I have participated in 10 different research projects, funded by the Spanish Government. In one of them I have been the “Investigador Principal”.  One of the projects in which I have partaken is the CONSOLIDER-INGENIO project PERSP-Perspectival Thoughts and Facts in Barcelona.

I have supervised two doctoral theses.

I’ve reviewed for journals like Philosophical Quarterly, Theoria, Teorema, Critica. I have been a member of the Advisory Panel of the European Journal of Philosophy

In the last 15 years, I have participated in more than 20 international congresses and workshops: in Spain, UK, Mexico, Italy, France, Portugal, Hungary. I was one of the 5 invited speakers in the 5th Congress of the European Society for Analytical Philosophy (Lisbon, 2005)


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