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Sr.   Casamitjana Vila, Francesc

Plana personal

Àrea de coneixement
Grup de recerca
Grup de Recerca en Física Ambiental

Currículum abreujat

Xavier Casamitjana


Professor,  Department of Physics

University of Girona

Canpus de Montilivi.

17071 Girona, Catalonia, Spain



Date of Birth       July 18, 1958



         Degree Physical Sciences   Autonomous Univ. of Barcelona            17/12/1982

         PhD    Autonomous Univ. of Barcelona                                        15/12/1989



Since 1999 leading the Environmental Physics Group at University of Girona.

Teaching subjects related to Physics, Limnology and Oceanography and Environmental fluid mechanics  at the Faculty of Science of the University of Girona. (http://www.udg.edu/)

1993-2000: Coordinator of the Environmental Studies at the University of Girona

2001-2003: Head of the Physics’  Department at the University of Girona


Principal Fields of Interest

Physical limnology.  Hydrodinamics of Lakes.  Particles in Lakes. Water Quality, Turbulence, Costal Oceanography, Hydrodinamics in canopies


Visiting Scientist:


1-Fellowship in 1990 at the Centre for Water Research of the University of Western Australia (Prof. Jörg Imberger) in Particles and Water Quality Modelling.


2-Visiting Scientist in 1994 and 1999 at the University of California-Davis ( Prof. Geoffrey Schladow) and in 1997 at the University of Arizona ( Prof. Joe Fernando).


3-Visiting Scientist in 2005 at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Prof. Heidi Nepf)


4-Visiting Scientist in Instituto Nacional das Pesquisas Espaciais. Sao José dos campos. Brasil (2011)



Significative Publications:


Vidal, J., Casamitjana, X. Colomer, J, and Serra, T. The internal wave field in Sau reservoir. Observation and modelling of a third vertical mode.  Limnology and Oceanography, 50(4), 1326-1333, 2005. . (SCI 1 out of 20 , Q1)


Vidal, J., Rueda, F. and X. Casamitjana, The seasonal evolution of high vertical–mode internal waves in a deep reservoir. Limnol. Oceanogr., 52(6), 2656–2667, 2007. (SCI 1 out of 20 , Q1)


Vidal, J. and X. Casamitjana. Forced resonant oscillations as a response to periodic winds in a stratified reservoir. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 134 , 4, 416-425,  2008. (SCI 4 out of 115 , Q1)


Alcântara , E.,  Stech, J., Lorenzzetti, J., Bonnet, M.  Casamitjana , X.  Assireu, A., Leão de Moraes Novo, E.  Remote sensing of water surface temperature and heat flux over a tropical hydroelectric reservoir. Remote Sensing of Environment 114,  2651–2665, 2010.  (SCI 1 out of 19 , Q1)


Vidal, J., Marcè, R., Serra, T., Colomer, J., Rueda, F. and  Casamitjana, X. Localized algal blooms induced by river inflows in a canyon type reservoir.  Aquatic Sciences , Volume 74, Number 2, 315-327, DOI: 10.1007/s00027-011-0223-6, 2012.  (SCI 13 out of 100 , Q1)


Casamitjana, X., Pujol, D., Serra, T. and Colomer, J., Application of a k-epsilon formulation to model the effect of submerged aquatic vegetation on turbulence induced by an oscillating grid. Continental Shelf Research , 34, 1-6, 2012 (SCI 24 out of 60 , Q2)


Pau, C., Serra, T., Colomer, J., Casamitjana, X., Sala Ll.  And Kampf, R., Filtering capacity of Daphnia Magna on sludge particles in treated wastewater. Water  Research, 47,1, 181-186, 2013. (SCI 1 out of 80, Q1)

Pujol, D., Colomer, J., Serra, T. and Casamitjana, X.. Flow structure in seagrass models dominated by progressive waves. Journal of Hydrology, 486, 281-292,  2013. (SCI 4 out of 122, Q1)


 Pujol, D., Colomer, J., Serra, T.  and Casamitjana, X., Canopy-scale turbulence under oscillatory flow. Continental Shelf Research , 66, 1, 9-18;  2013 (SCI 24 out of 60 , Q2)


Ros, Alex; Colomer, Jordi; Serra, Teresa; et al..Experimental observations on sediment resuspension within submerged model canopies under oscillatory flow. Continental Shelf Research, 91, 220-231,  2014 (SCI 24 out of 60 , Q2)

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