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Mrs.   Roldán Borassi, María Inés

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca Laboratori d'Ictiologia Genètica

Brief CV

I obtained the Biological Sciences degree from Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina in 1984. I moved to Spain in 1990 with an undergraduate fellowship finalizing my PhD in 1995 at Universidad de Gerona, Spain. I moved to USA twice for postdoctoral stays at School of Fisheries & Aquatic Science de la University of Washington, Seattle, USA (1998 y 2004). Between 1979 until 1990 I worked at Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, Mar del Plata, Argentina first as laboratory technician and then as researcher. Since 2001 I was Titular de Universidad in the Biology Department at Universidad de Gerona. Since 2021 I am Professor (Catedrática de Universidad).

My area of study focuses on genetic diversity in natural populations, concentrating mainly on marine species of economic interest, faces to promote sustainable exploitation models while maintaining the principle of conservation of the resource. From the 90’ the goal of my research was the description of the geographical patterns in the distribution of diversity, to identify the major intraspecific and interspecific lineages. From this period are my works on Argentine hake and European hake, as well as tuna, mackerel, anchovy and Family Mugillidae. These investigations helped the limitation of population units with genetic basis for an improvement in fisheries management. In the last decade I focused my interest in the study of the genetic variability, cryptic diversity and phylogeography of deep sea red shrimps (Aristeus antennatus and Aristaeomorpha foliacea), throughout three grants by Plan Nacional of which I have been the principal investigator. Now I want to know how and in what situations the connectivity between demes is an important mechanism for the replenishment of stocks and their diversity. To this it is essential to understand the local genetic demography, the contribution of different families of the local demes and dispersion of individuals to neighbor demes. The results of these studies are relevant to design management programs for the conservation and exploitation of fisheries resources at the local level, approaches focusing on ecosystem-based.

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