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Dr.  Pavon Gamero, David

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en Canvi Socioambiental


Associate University Lecturer
Member of the Water, Territory and Sustainability Research Group
Member of the Environment Institute and of the Chair of Geography and Territorial Thinking of the University of Girona
Calella (El Maresme), 1975. He holds a Doctorate in Environmental Studies (specialising in Territorial Planning and Environmental Management) from the University of Girona. Since 2002 he has been a Lecturer in Geography and Environmental Sciences at the University of Girona, teaching subjects including Population Geography, Human Geography, the General Geography of Spain or the Geography of Catalonia. He forms part of the Environment and Geographic Information Technologies Research Group. His research lines focus on the socio-territorial aspects of water and its management. Within this field he has studied themes including fluvial heritage, the historical geography of fluvial areas and the role of large-scale hydraulic projects from a time and spatial perspective. He has combined his teaching work at the UdG with participation in projects concerning territory planning, water resources and landscape. Further information at: http://web2.udg.edu/aigua

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