Life at the UdG > UdGsalut > Leg and dorso-lumbar spine stretches
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Legs and column

  • Lateral stretching 1: Glutei half-minor, tensor of the pyramidal fascia lata, cintilla iliotibial, and external rotators of hip
  • Lateral stretching 2: Glutei half-minor, pyramidal and external rotators of hip
  • Posterior stretching: Isquiotibials and twin
  • Former and posterior stretching: Muscular chain and former and posterior fascial, mobility to articulate column, scapular waist and pelvis

Variants posterior stretching:

  • Placing the neuter foot in position (tip of the foot looks at the ceiling): Global stretching
  • Placing the foot in internal rotation (tip of the foot looks no inside): We pull femoral biceps
  • Placing the foot in external rotation (tip of the foot looks towards outside): We prioritise to pull the semimebranós muscles and semitendinós

Remember that...

  • The selfstretchings and the massages with ball have to be carried out in a slow, safe and controlled way
  • Time of stretching and massage: between 30 seconds and 2 minutes
  • They have to provide comfort, welfare and pleasant sensations
  • They can reduce the pain and the articular mobility
  • The breaths are deep
  • Time: From 5 to 10 breaths
  • It is, a scapular waist, an exercise of articular mobility of the column of the pelvis and of the very interesting sacrum for everybody
  • If you spend many hours this exercise sitting it is recommended to repeat the exercise from 2 to 3 times
  • If you close the eyes provide relaxation and calmness

General indications:

  • Persons who spend many sitting/right hours: in front of the computer, studying tablet, attention to the public, mobile...
  • Lack of muscular flexibility
  • Pain
  • Pathologies: cervicalgies, dorsalgies, kyphoses, cervical rectification, NCB, vestibular disorders (seasickness, vertigo), muscular and lligamentosos, disorders of the ATM...
  • Postural: Kyphoses, shoulders anterioritzades, shoulders in internal rotation, hypertonicity former chain musculature (deltoids former, biggest and minor brachial, pectoral biceps)...

Watching in the event of...

  • Discals injuries severe or with a lot of symptomatology: hernias, protusions
  • Seasickness and vertigo severe
  • Severe muscular and lligamentoses injuries: fibrillar breaks, partial or total breaks, very active contractures

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