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Presentació al XVIth International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Praga (15-19 juliol)

Del 15 al 19 de juliol, la Dra. Ingrid Vilà-Giménez participarà al congrés XVIth International Congress for the Study of Child Language a Praga.

Del 15 al 19 de juliol, la Dra. Ingrid Vilà-Giménez participarà al congrés XVIth International Congress for the Study of Child Language a Praga. Ingrid Vilà-Giménez ha organitzat un simposi sobre el valor predictor dels gestos de la parla en el desenvolupament lingüístic i cognitiu dels infants, tant en poblacions típiques com atípiques, titulat "Unraveling the predictive role of gesture in children’s linguistic and cognitive development" (en col·laboració amb la Dra. Pilar Prieto, ICREA-UPF). A més, també formarà part d'un altre simposi sobre l'ús de corpus audiovisuals per estudiar el desenvolupament del llenguatge multimodal, titulat "Using multimodal corpora to study language development" i organitzat per la Dra. Gabriella Vigliocco (University College London), amb la xerrada "Children's multimodal development: Insights from a corpus of Catalan narrative speech".

From 15-19 July, Dr. Ingrid Vilà-Giménez will participate in the XVIth International Congress for the Study of Child Language in Prague. Ingrid Vilà-Giménez has organized a symposium on the predictive value of co-speech gestures in children's linguistic and cognitive development, both in typical and atypical populations, entitled "Unraveling the predictive role of gesture in children’s linguistic and cognitive development" (in collaboration with Dr. Pilar Prieto, ICREA-UPF). Additionally, she will also be part of another symposium on the use of audiovisual corpora to study multimodal language development, entitled "Using multimodal corpora to study language development," organized by Dr. Gabriella Vigliocco (University College London), with the oral presentation "Children's multimodal development: Insights from a corpus of Catalan narrative speech".


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