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Dr.  Parramon Rubio, Pere

Personal page

Brief CV

Pere Parramon holds a PhD in Art History and a Master’s degree in Communication and Art Criticism from the University of Girona, with training in Symbology from the University of Barcelona, among other areas, and in the management of public educational centres from the School of Public Administration of Catalonia. As a member of the Catalan Association of Art Critics (ACCA) and the International Association of Critics of Art (AICA), he has signed works, articles and critiques in national and international catalogues and compilations, as well as in various periodicals (El Huffington Post, "Cultura|s" by La Vanguardia, Papers d'art, etc.). He is the author, together with M. Lluïsa Faxedas, of the book Art contemporani a Girona, 1994-2019 (GEiEG). In addition to fantastic art, on which he defended his doctoral thesis Arte fantástico: Estrategias visuales de lo imposible, he is interested in postcolonial art, gender issues and the relations between eras and artists. Committed to teaching, he is a secondary education teacher and a professor at the University of Girona, and has taught Art Theory in the Master's Degree in Integrative Art Therapy at the UdG, giving courses and conferences for numerous public and private institutions, and having been a head of studies and a headmaster of the Rafael Campalans High School. With regard to artistic and cultural management, he has been president of the Association of Friends of the Girona Museum of Art and coordinator of exhibitions and assistant director of the Vila Casas Private Foundation, and as a curator he has organized exhibitions for different museums and foundations (Frederic Marès Museum, Les Bernardes, Girona Museum of Art, "la Caixa" Foundation, MUME, etc.). With the novel El noi saltador i la reina dels guardians rossos he enters into fiction as an alternative form of reflection on the artistic phenomenon, a path he follows with La llengua dels ocells (both from Sd·edicions). More at www.pereparramon.com.

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