Investiga > Cerca de socis: Research insinstitute with expertise in efficacy and safety tests for skin cancer
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Cerca de socis: Research insinstitute with expertise in efficacy and safety tests for skin cancer

German SME in cooperation with a Belgian university hospital searches for a third consortial partner to address ERA-NET Call TRANSCAN-2 on treatment of rare cancers. The Ideal would be a research partner that could carry out safety testing, dose finding and/or mode of action studies through research on skin models or in animal trials.

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The ERA-NET Call TRANSCAN-2 addresses the challenges related to research and treatment in rare cancers. Within aim 2 of the call proposals should adress the development and exploitation of translational research platforms (e.g., patient derived xenograft models/organoids/tissue collections) to study drug responses/resistance and toxicity, and perform drug screens or repurpose approved anticancer drugs. The ERA-NET call requires a minimum of three research groups from different countries. The current consortium composes of two partners from Germany and Belgium. First partner, acting as coordinator, is an SME from Germany (winner of SME instrument funding), that developed a novel medical device based on transdermal application. Transdermal application is a non-invasive and contact-free technology that facilitates effective penetration of active substances/molecules through skin layer to reach a target tissue. Second partner is the dermatological department of a Belgian university hospital. In cooperation both partners already reached first promising results for treatment of skin-cancer by administration of chemotherapeutic agents through transdermal application. The new therapeutic approach is the treatment of T-cell lymphoma by transdermal application of MTX (methotrexate).  Both partners would like to further develop this approach within a TRANSCAN funded project and search for a third strategic partner to carry out safety testing, dose finding and/or mode of action studies for the transdermal application of MTX. Ideal partner would be a research institute with expertise in animal trials or skin models. Appropriate alternative approaches for testing can also be discussed. With regard to eligibility criteria of the call, expressions of interest are welcome from: Austria, Estonia, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Latvian, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Taiwan and Turkey. Time schedule of the call:Deadline for electronic pre-proposals submission: February 6th, 2018Deadline for electronic full proposals submission: May 30th, 2018Communication of final evaluation result and funding decision: October 2018Start of funded research projects: April 2019 The funding rate within the call will be variable up to a maximum of 100% of the funds requested, according to national/regional rules. Funding is granted for a maximum of three years according to national regulations. Each research project partner (including the project coordinator) will get a separate funding contract/letter of grant according to national/regional regulations from his/her national/regional funding institutions. Deadline for expressions of interest is January 28th.  

Referència: RDDE20180111001


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