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Curs acadèmic:
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Laura López Peña
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup B

Semestral, 2n semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup C

Semestral, 2n semestre
Meritxell Copeiro Fernandez
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • 1G- Comunicar-se oralment i per escrit en l'idioma propi i en altres llengües estrangeres
  • 8G- Ser hàbil en la comunicació i en les relacions interpersonals, utilitzant i seleccionant les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació més adequades a cada situació


1. BRANDS. Talking about brands. Specific vocabulary to do with brands, products and the market. Skills on taking part in meetings. Language work: Present simple and present continuous. Cambridge Preparation.

2. CHANGE. Discussing attitudes to change in general and at work. Specific vocabulary on describing change. Managing meetings. Language work: Past simple and present perfect. Cambridge Preparation.

3. ORGANISATION. Talking about status within an organisation. Words and expressions to describe company structure. Socialising: introductions and networking. Language work: noun combinations. Cambridge Preparation.

4. ADVERTISING. Discussing authentic advertisements. Words and expressions for talking about advertising. Starting and structuring a presentation. Language work: Articles. Cambridge Preparation.

5. MONEY. Discussing attitudes towards money. Words and expressions for talking about finance. Dealing with figures. Language work: Describing trends. Cambridge Preparation.

6. CULTURES. Discussing the importance of cultural awareness in business. Specific vocabulary to do with idioms for talking about business relationships. Skills on social English. Language work: Advice, obligation and necessity. Cambridge Preparation.

7. INTERNATIONAL MARKETS. Discussing the development of international markets. Words and expressions for talking about free trade. Skills on negotiating. Language work: Conditions. Cambridge Preparation.

8. ETHICS. Discussing ethics at work. Specific vocabulary to do with describing illegal activities or unethical behaviours. Skills on considering options. Language work: Narrative tenses. Cambridge Preparation.

9. LEADERSHIP. Discussing the qualities of good leadership. Specific vocabulary to do with describing characters. Skills on presenting. Language work: Relative clauses. Cambridge Preparation.

10. COMPETITION. Working on how competitive the student is. Specific vocabulary on idioms from sport to describe competition. Skills on negotiating. Language work: Passives. Cambridge Preparation.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Altres 2,00 1,00 3,00
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 5,00 0 5,00
Exposició dels estudiants 8,50 9,00 17,50
Lectura / comentari de textos 2,50 5,00 7,50
Prova d'avaluació 4,00 4,00 8,00
Resolució d'exercicis 2,50 5,00 7,50
Seminaris 3,00 1,00 4,00
Sessió expositiva 2,50 0 2,50
Sessió participativa 5,00 5,00 10,00
Simulacions 5,00 0 5,00
Visionat/audició de documents 5,00 0 5,00
Total 45,00 30,00 75


Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Seminars Els seminaris representen el 16% de la nota en avaluació continuada 16
Oral Presentations Les exposicions orals representen el 12% de la nota en avaluació continua 12
Test 1 Test 1 val el 7% de la nota final. 7
Test 2 Test 2 val el 5% de la nota final. 5
January Exam El January Exam val el 12% de la nota. 12
Test 3 El January Exam val el 7% de la nota. 7
Test 4 Test 4 val el 5% de la nota. 5
June Exam El June Exam val el 12% de la nota. 12
Speaking Tests Speakin Tests val el 8% de la nota. 8
Skills Test Skills Test val el 16% de la nota. 16


Students may opt to follow a final assessment (one final exam) or a continuous assessment system (work and tests at specified times during the academic year). If the final result of the Continuous Assessment is below 5 (the passing mark) students will take the final anual exam (listening, reading, written & oral) in the official calendar date of “convocatoria extraordinària” established by the University (June or July). Students coursing two or more simultaneous subjects may have difficulties to opt for the continuous assessment of the subjects in question.

Seminars are any task (writings, case study, etc.) related to the contents of the different units along the course and there are four. Skills tests, four also, are readings and listenings related to Cambridge material. All of them announced previously in class.

Tests 1, 2, 3 and 4 are all of them about the grammar and vocabulary of the units worked in class. The January and June exams are writings on the articles provided in each unit whose links are always to be found on Moodle.

Skills tests and tests are independent tasks that will take place on the same day and will be evaluated independently according to the percentages stated in this programme.

Speaking tests may be in pairs or in groups depending on the group and number of students. They may be prepared in advanced or the same day in class. On the other hand, oral presentation 1 will be about an invention of an original product and presentation 2 about a product/service failure taking into account all the material and units worked in the course.

By the 5th April 2018 at the latest, students with the intention of following the final assessment must sign a document accepting its conditions. The student not signing the document will be considered as a continuous-assessment student. Under no circumstances will the document be signed after the date indicated.

By the 5th April 2018 at the latest, students retaking the subject will also have to sign a document with the conditions of their choice. Under no circumstances will the document be signed after the date indicated.

Continuous assessment:
Unit Value
Test 1 7%
Test 2 5%
January Exam 12%
Test 3 7%
Test 4 5%
June Exam 12%
Seminars 16%
Oral Presentations 12%
Speaking Tests 8%
Skills Tests 16%

Final exams (June or July):
Parts Value
Oral (minimum 4) 40%
Listening 20%
Reading 20%
Writing (minimum 4) 20%

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Segons normativa de la Universitat de Girona:
La qualificació de "No Presentat" exhaureix convocatòria de qualificació als efectes previstos en la normativa de Permanència i progressió en estudis de grau de la Universitat de Girona.


Students are advised against plagiarism. Any detected and proved case of plagiarism will automatically be marked as a “0” (zero).

Students following the continuous assessment can miss 3 tests or any evaluation task with no need of justification, except January and May/June/July exams where only a medical or work justification will be needed and accepted. Under no circumstances can any of the speaking tests, skills tests, tests and seminars be taken on a different date; however, this will not affect students’ mark. At the beginning of the course students will be provided with
some further guidelines on the subject.

Students will have to sign a document in which they decide which type of assessment they follow, continuous or final, and the conditions of these. The student not signing the document will be considered as a continuous-assessment student. Under no circumstances will the document be signed after the date indicated.

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