Investiga > Cs: Seeking an industrial company/research centre for developing a new performing display technology
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Cs: Seeking an industrial company/research centre for developing a new performing display technology

França: A company is seeking an industrial company/research centre for developing a new performing display technology under a Eurostars project

A French company, expert in LED (light-emitting diode) display technologies, prepares a Eurostars project as coordinator. The project aims at developing and manufacturing new innovative display technologies, more performing while being mass-manufacturable at low cost. An industrial partner or a research centre, expert in component pick & place and mass transfer of microLed to the display is sought to build a research cooperation agreement.

The partner sought for the R&D collaborative project can be an industrial company or a research centre. It should have expertise in component pick & place and mass transfer of microLeds (with a small size typically 30µmx30µm). Consequently, its role would be to provide the appropriate machine or solution to realize the pick & place, plus the mass transfer of microleds. This cooperation sought is a research cooperation or consortium agreement in order to create an innovative 3D LED display.

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