Investiga > Demanda tecnològica: Develop Internet of Things(IoT) and sensor networked smart product
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Demanda tecnològica: Develop Internet of Things(IoT) and sensor networked smart product

A Korean SME, a leading company in distribution industry of system integration and solution merged with information technology (IT) seeks partners for Eurostars2. The SME is concentrating on IoT and sensor networked smart products. It is seeking R&D institutes, universities, or companies that have expertise in IoT and relevant topics to co-develop via research cooperation agreement.

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A Korean SME is a information communication technology (ICT) business distributor as well as developer. It is especially specialised in system integration and software verification. A prototype implementing research idea is under developing. The SME is now planning to develop smart product that is networked with internet of things (IoT) and sensors through the Eurostars2 project.

The objective of this international research collaboration is to propose a framework and use case model of smart product utilizing IoT and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). User interface in the man-machine system and error preventive system are proposed.

The expected output of the research collaboration is a framework for smart product realization process. A few use case models for different application domains are developed. The domain covers product improvement, process innovation, service upgrade and quality assurance with IoT and sensor networked. Finally,  a commercial product need to be developed and sold in the local (Korea) and global market.

 The proposed system will have the following functions:

- User interface in the man machine system: Many errors in the machine system are related with the interface between man and machine. Thus, it reduces much errors focusing on the interface of man and machine.

- Error preventive system design process: The error preventive design is based on compatibility, action inducing, consistency and acceptability. In the error preventive design, four kinds of design approaches are adopted; error clearance design, error reducing design, safety equipment installed design and warning system.

- IoT and WSN supported system structure: In the future smart world, where everything is mobile, networked and semantic services, virtuality in the cyberspace merges with reality in the physical world. Thus, cyber-physical system (CPS) is needed in our environment.

- A smart product realization process: For the selected domain, the concept of IoT and WSN are applied and a prototype will be developed.

The Korean company is looking for an SME, R&D institute, or university in the field of IoT, WSN, and smart product relevant topics. The expected partners should have various experiences conducting research and development, and applications to industry.

Deadline for EOI: 30 August 2017

Deadline for Call: 14 September 2017

Project duration: 104 weeks

Referència: RDKR20170710001


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