Investiga > Demanda tecnològica: Companyia xinesa cerca tecnologia que analitzi combustibles de biomassa
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Demanda tecnològica: Companyia xinesa cerca tecnologia que analitzi combustibles de biomassa

A Chinese company specializing in biomass fuels is looking for testing equipment that can measure major parameters of biomass fuels simultaneously. Any testing technique of biomass fuels is welcomed. The company wishes to find partner with universities, companies or research institutes. Research and Technical cooperation agreements are sought. The company is also open to other collaborartion agreements.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

As the pioneer of biomass industry in China, the company has access to more than 20 million tons of biomass every year. Its main business scope includes the collection, processing, utilizing, sale and researching of biomass fuels.

The biomass fuels collected by the company mainly refers to the agricultural and forestry waste such as wood, bark, branches, bamboo material, template, sawdust, straw, and rice husk. The impurities contained in the biomass fuels include clay, gravel, and metal particles. And all the biomass fuels transported to the factory by trucks, trailer or agriculture vehicles are surrounded by iron fences.

The company is looking for a technology developer / provider of the testing equipment for biomass fuels. The testing equipment is expected to enhance the quality control over the biomass fuels, promoting the procurement efficiency and reducing the labor intensity. The equipment will be tested and evaluated to prove its ability for the integration into the research project. Other techniques to test the biomass sample is also welcomed.

The company is interested to explore cooperation with universities, companies and research institutes in the form of commercial, manufacturing, technical cooperation or research cooperation agreement.

Referència: TRCN20170527001


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