Investiga > Compra Pública d’Innovació: Perth Smart Energy Network Project
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Compra Pública d’Innovació: Perth Smart Energy Network Project

Us volíem informar de la següent compra pública:


The aim of this competition is to develop a smart, flexible energy system within the various sites of the Perth and Kinross council (PKC) estate. It has to be cost effective and demonstrate tangible benefits for the council.
This system will manage and control the generation, storage, use and trade of renewable energy in (and outside) the council estate.
Crucially it will be required to trade energy between council sites and outside of the council. The main objectives are to:
• Reduce energy costs
• Reduce carbon emissions
• Explore new income streams by using energy storage assets


  • 10 October 2018: Registration closes at 12 pm

Phase 1: technical feasibility
• Projects can range in size up to a maximum cost of £30,000 and
should last up to 6 months. Up to 5 projects will be funded.
Phase 2: Prototype development and evaluation
• Projects can range in size up to a total cost of £175,000 and
should last up to 18 months. Up to 2 projects will be funded.

Register here until 10th October 2018 at 12pm. For more
information, read the guidance.



Contact ACCIO:

Per al vostre coneixement, la compra pública d’innovació (CPI) és una actuació administrativa de foment de la innovació, orientada a potenciar el desenvolupament de solucions innovadores des de la demanda, mitjançant l’instrument de la compra pública.

Periòdicament es publica i actualitza aquelles licitacions possibles de compra, dels quals hi poden participar tant petites i mitjanes empreses com organismes públics. Si voleu informació més detellada podeu visitar l’enllaç d’ACCIÓ.

Finalment si  us interessa alguna oferta o teniu qualsevol consulta podeu contactar amb la Unitat de Valorització. (

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