Investiga > Cerca de socis per co-desenvolupar plaques solars amb sistema d'autorentat per drons
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Cerca de socis per co-desenvolupar plaques solars amb sistema d'autorentat per drons

A South Korean SME specialized in solar power plant and other electric works is developing an innovative solar power plant which is combined with a cleaning robot and a monitoring drone in order to improve solar power generation. The project aims to develop a self-drive cleaning and checking robot and a managing drone to increase work efficiency.

volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

A South Korean SME has expertise in systematic intelligent energy technology including solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal energy. The company designs and installs generator and power station. They also operate in the field of electric work, panel board, and traffic signal controller. They have solar generating systems and panel boards which are certificated by the government. They are currently developing a solar panel cleaning robot.

 The solar panels are exposed to dirt or birds’ excrement. Polluted panels affect the efficiency of energy generation. The solar panels have been cleaned by people. The cleaning robot under development will be a solution for those problems. It diagnoses the panel conditions and decontaminates them. It can self-drive and clean dirt on the panels. It includes a thermographic camera to check the cracks or breakdowns of the panels and a positioning system to send location information to the main server. It is also connected to a drone for checking the whole solar panels installed.

The integrated technology can improve the maintenance and efficiency of the solar power system with reducing personnel expenses. The system that the company has been developing can be applied to both the solar power stations built on the ground and on water. Especially, the solar panels floating on water are more difficult to clean and manage. This development will be a perfect solution to increase the efficiency and decrease the difficulties.

The company is looking for European partners to have expertise in robots, drones, maintenance and cleaning technology of solar panels. The Korean SME is interested in combining the cleaning robot, the monitoring machine, and the solar panels. The partners are expected to cooperate in developing the integrated system in the context of a EUROSTARS project.

Deadline for EOI: 1 August 2017

Deadline for Call: 14 September 2017

Project duration: 104 weeks

Referència: RDKR20170427004


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