Investiga > Demanda tecnològica: Looking for a technology to recycle the coffee residue resulting from coffee
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Demanda tecnològica: Looking for a technology to recycle the coffee residue resulting from coffee

A Romanian private owned company is looking for an innovative technology to recycle the coffee residue resulting from the preparation of coffee and turn it into different products for the food industry, organic agriculture or any other field, based on a research/technical cooperation agreement or a commercial agreement with technical assistance. The company main activity is selling coffee in vending system machines.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:        

The private owned Romanian company has as main activity the sale of coffee drinks in vending system machines. The vending machine uses ground coffee for coffee drinks preparations. As result of production of hot drinks from ground coffee, residue is created in an amount of more than one ton per month, which could be reused/recycled. This reveals that it is a significant amount of coffee residue that can be collected, recycled and transformed in raw materials to be used for other purposes in different sectors.

After an experience of more than 10 years in this area, the company became one of the leading operators from the vending coffee market.

The residue of ground coffee (coffee grounds) has a high content of chlorogenic acid, being an excellent antioxidant with multiple uses.

They are interested to identify a suitable technology for processing this waste and turn it into products for the food industry, organic agriculture or any other field. The technology can be patented or experimental and the envisaged cooperation types could be a research/technical cooperation agreement or a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Referència: TRRO20161212001


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