Instituts > IQCC Challenges - Live talks #9: Theoretical evaluation of nonlinear optical properties
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Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi

25/01/2024 - 11:00
25/01/2024 - 12:30
Plataforma Teams
IQCC-Universitat de Girona

L'Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi va iniciar una nova sèrie de xerrades virtuals per tal d'intentar mostrar els reptes en el camp de recerca on l'IQCC està involucrat, mitjançant les investigacions d'un dels investigadors principals. Es convida a un expert extern a impartir una xerrada juntament amb un dels investigadors júnior del IQCC. Aquestes visions complementàries posaran en relleu els actuals avenços sobre aquest tema, discutiran possibles problemes i proporcionaran una perspectiva de futur.


The IQCC has starting a new series of online talks to address challenges in the research fields where the IQCC is playing a role, through the investigations of one of the Principal Investigators. An external expert is invited to give a seminar, together with one of the junior researchers of the IQCC. These complementary views will highlight the current state-of-the-art on that topic, discuss possible bottlenecks and how they are being solved, and will provide an outlook into the future.


The next IQCC Challenges-Live Talks will take place next week, Thursday January 25, and deals with Theoretical evaluation of nonlinear optical properties. The IQCC Challenges will be held online through the Teams platform, and is free to attend to anyone interested in the topic. Please use this link if you would like to join us or have a look at the upcoming topics!


Event Agenda:

11:00-11:05 AM CET - Welcome and Introduction by Dr. Josep Maria Luis (IQCC-University of Girona, Spain)

11:05-12:00 PM CET -  Prof. Benoît Champagne (University of Namur, Belgium):Predicting the Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Responses of Organic Materials in Complex Environments: The Role of Dynamics

12:00-12:30 PM CET - MSc. Pau Besalú (IQCC-University of Girona, Spain):

Which is the best method to compute hyperpolarizabilities?

We are looking forward to seeing you at the IQCC Challenges - Live Talks!

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