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Curs acadèmic:
Aquest curs proporcionarà una comprensió bàsica del procés emprenedor. Una autoavaluació integral ajudarà els estudiants a comprendre millor les seves pròpies aspiracions personals, i avaluar les seves habilitats i competències úniques. Els estudiants aprendran sobre l'avaluació d'oportunitat per a noves idees de risc, com dissenyar i idees de negoci de prova i buscar els millors recursos necessaris per iniciar una nova empresa.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Ramón Nogueras Pérez
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • 7. Prevenir i resoldre problemes, conflictes i prendre decisions
  • 8. Treballar en equip, establint aquelles relacions que més poden ajudar a fer aflorar potencialitats de cooperació i mantenir-les de manera contínua.
  • 11. Dissenyar propostes creatives, tenir iniciativa i esperit emprenedor.


1. Introduction

2. What is Entrepreneurship? Definition, types, myths, and process overview Entrepreneurship tools: how can be measured entrepreneurship? Discussion and debate

3. What that’s it mean to be an entrepreneur Discussion and debate

4. Economic function of the entrepreneur Knowing yourself as entrepreneur Entrepreneurial qualities and skills Entrepreneurship tools: knowing you, self test How to hire right people Discussion and debate

5. New venture statistics Local, global statistics GEM data Learning from other countries Discussion and debate

6. The “Entrepreneurial Mindset”: When Ideas Meet Opportunity . . . Defining opportunity Distinguishing ideas from opportunities: Key characteristics Entrepreneurship tools: conceptual map Discussion and debate

7. Generating Business Ideas Creativity & innovation Creativity techniques Entrepreneurship tools: project management Discussion and debate

8. Entrepreneurship research Articles analysis Discussion and debate

9. Industry Analysis: Macroenvironment Environmental change & business trends Digital tools. Digital reputation Entrepreneurship tools: European curriculum Discussion and debate

10. The business model. The blue ocean strategy Discussion and debate

11. The Osterwalder Canvas Discussion and debate

12. Transversal project: From the idea to action. Summary Entrepreneurship tools: collaborative tools


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 14,00 6,00 20,00
Prova d'avaluació 7,00 28,00 35,00
Sessió participativa 14,00 6,00 20,00
Total 35,00 40,00 75


Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Practical classroom activities The Practical classrom activities, represents 30% of your final mark. 30
Preparation and resolution of practical exercises (continuous assessment) The Preparation and resolution of practical exercises (continuous assessment); represents 70% of your final mark 70


The course will involve a lecture format with extensive interaction between students and the instructor. The teaching style will mix theory and academic concepts with practical applications.
All the classes will have a large support of multimedia resources.

Students will be challenged to develop a concept or idea, and then apply it in real-world entrepreneurial contexts.

Personal responsibility

Please treat this class as you would a job, understanding that due dates must be met, and attendance is expected and noted. Attendance is required. It is not an option. The course involves regular attendance at classes and completion of all proposed activities. Excused absences consist of illness (with doctor’s note). Interviews are NOT considered excused absences. Students who anticipate scheduling conflicts should not enrol in the course. The instructor will take attendance at all class sessions. Virtual participation in class would be considered, talk with the professor before enrolment.

An attendance of less than 7 classes (excused or not) involve the completion of a final exam to pass the course.

The final score is calculated according to the following table:

Class attendance and contribution/participation: 30% (score proportional to attendance and participation)
Homework activities (deliveries): 70% (all homework activities must be completed)

All activities have to be delivered the day fixed by teacher. Every day of delay substracts a point from the final score. More than seven days of delay will be considered “not delivered”.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Segons normativa de la Universitat de Girona:
La qualificació de "No Presentat" exhaureix convocatòria de qualificació als efectes previstos en la normativa de Permanència i progressió en estudis de grau de la Universitat de Girona.


Each student is expected to attend all classes: study and analyse assigned readings; participate in class discussions and complete all assignments on time. Some work maybe group assigned.

You are expected to come to class prepared, and play an active in the discussions that take place during class periods. This means reading all assignments and preparing all cases in advance. The issue is the quality of your contribution more than the quantity.

Participation/contribution includes asking questions, answering questions, agreeing or disagreeing with points made by the instructor or your peers, insights provided regarding the assigned cases, and examples that you bring into class of issues we are discussing.

Assignatures recomanades

  • Anglès I
  • Anglès II
  • Anglès III

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