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Curs acadèmic:
Matèria que dota l'alumne del coneixement de les tècniques i eines de gestió de l'aprovisionament i les relacions amb els proveïdors
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Maria Eva Canaleta Safont
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Conèixer i estudiar les tècniques de la gestió econòmica, comptable i financera de l'empresa hotelera i de restauració
  • Valorar críticament els procediments utilitzats en l'aprenentatge per obtenir dades rellevants en les diferents àrees d'estudi
  • Criticar la pertinència dels informes resultants de la investigació, l'avaluació o la intervenció
  • Identificar i seleccionar documentació jurídica actualitzada mitjançant la utilització de bases de dades jurídiques i compendis legislatius


1. SUBJECT 1 Importance of purchases and their impact on hotel operations. Principles and understanding of purchasing management in the Hotel operations.

2. SUBJECT 2 Procurement & Business Strategy. How purchases, supplier choice and business principles position the company.

3. SUBJECT 3 Purchasing Management Planning & Decision-making process (1). Sales volume forecast and historic. Stock rotation and storage Periodicity & seasonality. Infrastructure & Machinery renovation.

4. SUBJECT 4 Purchasing Management Planning & Decision-making process (2). Production Sheets & Records. Requisition Orders. Stock Management Introduction. Purchasing Orders.

5. SUBJECT 5 Supplies reception & Storage. Supplies reception Controls. Optimal storage practice. Internal distribution & requisition.

6. SUBJECT 6 Suppliers of goods, services & equipment. Which one to choose and why. Principles for choosing suppliers and collaborators. Negotiation and after sales service.

7. SUBJECT 7 Purchasing and personal relationships. Interdepartmental or internal negotiation. Interdepartmental communication. Head of Department Roles. Understanding roles and decision-making capacity.

8. SUBJECT 8 Procurement and personal relationships. Negotiation with suppliers. Set parameters such as product quality and service. Purchase volume. Periodicity. Constructive and empathetic negotiation.

9. SUBJECT 9 Control Methods & effectiveness in Procurement (1). Budgeting & Forecast. Purchase orders. Planning.

10. SUBJECT 10 Control Methods & effectiveness in Procurement (2). Production center, stock control, storage management and. Production sheets.

11. SUBJECT 11 Management, supervision & effective stock control. Real knowledge of stocks, tracking methods and control.

12. SUBJECT 12 Waste management, supervision and control. Impact of waste both on the company and in the community. Economic and social consequences.

13. SESSION 13 Consolidation/presentation. Tutorials/Support.

14. SESSION 14 Evaluation.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 6,00 10,00 16,00
Cerca i anàlisi d'informació 4,00 8,00 12,00
Elaboració individual de treballs 2,00 10,00 12,00
Lectura / comentari de textos 8,00 6,00 14,00
Prova d'avaluació 2,00 2,00 4,00
Sessió participativa 8,00 6,00 14,00
Sessió pràctica 6,00 4,00 10,00
Treball en equip 6,00 12,00 18,00
Total 42,00 58,00 100


  • María José Escudero Serrano (2011). Gestión de Aprovisionamiento . Paraninfo .
  • Ronald F. Cichy, Jeffrey D Elsworth (2009). Purchasing for Food Service Operations. American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute.
  • Emilio Martínez (2010). Gestión de compras: Negociación y estrategias de aprovisionamiento. FC Editorial.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Group work dynamics.
Debate encouragement.
Understanding different opinions.
Proactive and relevant participation to the case study. Ability to listen, follow discussions and exchange views. Use of the resources offered in the syllabus for consolidate ideas and activities.
Individual assignment. Individual written Project on a chosen case relevant to the syllabus.
To be presented on time. To be
Assessed Content, structure and main idea development
Procurement Management written assessment. Individual final written assessment. 20
Group work and project presentation. Knowledge consolidation on the syllabus studied
by submitting and presenting a project chosen and developed as a group within a time limit.


Evaluation systems

The ordinary evaluation system is Continuous Evaluation for all students. Global Evaluation (no class attendance required) is limited to students from previous courses and, in some very special cases, students who are explicitly authorized by the Academic Board of Directors to undergo global evaluation in this subject.

For Continuous Evaluation, a minimum of 80 % class attendance is required, regardless of any justification for non-attendance. Only those absences which are reported by the Academic Board of Directors will not be counted as non-attendance. Students who do not meet the attendance requirement will lose the benefits and partial grades of Continuous Evaluation and must sit a global evaluation, without any further re-sit.

The final marks of Continuous Evaluation will be communicated before the end of the teaching period (January 17, 2020), and in any case before the Global Evaluation period begins.

Both in Continuous Evaluation and in Global Evaluation there is an option of re-evaluation (re-sit) if the passing grade is not reached; the conditions are detailed below.

Continuous Evaluation:

According to the current regulations of the school, the minimum class attendance required is 80%; this means that a maximum of 3 sessions (9 hours) may be missed. If the required attendance is not reached, the student loses the right to continuous assessment and must do the re-evaluation exam.

The continuous evaluation will also assess attitude, participation and group work dynamics. The student is expected to be proactive and relevant to the subject and case studies.

Global Evaluation and re-sit assessment:

Students will be evaluated based on the following tasks and assessments to pass the subject:
Individual written exam based on the relevant syllabus.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
A student who fails to sit at least one of the assessments mentioned above (continuous / global / re-sit) will be qualified “No presentat”.


It is advisable to have completed some Hotel Operations subjects - F&B, Front Office - or have previous experience.
Have basic knowledge of business organization and business economy.

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