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Curs acadèmic:
Els continguts van dirigits a identificar el tractament fisioterapèutic més apropiat en els diferents processos d'alteració, prevenció, i promoció de la salut així com en els procediments de procés i desenvolupament. Identificar la situació del pacient/usuari a través d'un diagnòstic de cures de fisioteràpia, planificant les intervencions, i avaluant la seva efectivitat en un entorn de treball cooperatiu amb altres professionals en ciències de la salut. Conèixer i aplicar les guies de bona pràctica clínica. Fisioteràpia en obstetrícia i urologia. Fisioteràpia geriàtrica. Fisioteràpia pediàtrica.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Ines Garcia Bouyssou  / Ivan Leo Bacha  / Monique Messaggi Sartor
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Comunicar-se de mode efectiu i clar
  • Tenir la capacitat d'aprenentatge autònom
  • Resoldre problemes
  • Tenir capacitat de gestió d'informació
  • Resoldre problemes complexos de forma efectiva en el camp de la Fisioteràpia.
  • Aplicar pensament crític, lògic i creatiu, mostrant dots d'innovació.
  • Conèixer i comprendre els mètodes, procediments i actuacions fisioterapèutiques, encaminats tant a la terapèutica pròpiament dita a aplicar a la clínica per a la reeducació o recuperació funcional, com a la realització d'activitats dirigides a la promoció i manteniment de la salut
  • Adquirir l'experiència clínica adequada que proporcioni habilitats intel·lectuals i destreses tècniques i manuals; que facilitin la incorporació de valors ètics i professionals; i que desenvolupi la capacitat d'integració dels coneixements adquirits, de manera que, al final dels estudis, els estudiants sàpiguen aplicar-los tant a casos clínics concrets en el medi hospitalari i extrahospitalari, com a actuacions en l'atenció primària i comunitària.


1. Geriatrics

2. Pediatrics

3. Urology


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 125,00 0 125,00 250,00
Total 125,00 0 125,00 250


    Avaluació i qualificació

    Activitats d'avaluació:

    Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
    Geriatrics Geriatrics 40 No
    Pediatrics Pediatrics 30 No
    Urogynecology Urogynecology 30 No


    (i) In Continuous Assessment, failing one subsubject will imply the need to cover the BCE of the subsubject, only and solely. Same for two subsubjects. The final mark of the subsubject in BCE will be 5.00, to be weighted and balanced with the precentage of the extant subsubjects (Geriatrics: 40%, Pediatrics: 30%, Uroginecology: 30%).

    (ii) If, after the BCE, one or more subsubjects remained unpassed, the student will have to retake the entire subject 'Physiotherapy in Clinical Specialties' for the 2019/2020 academic year.

    Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
    Students not attending to any of the evaluative components will be marked with 'No Presentado'

    Avaluació única:
    The evaluation system in EUSES - UdG is based, in general, in the continuous assessment. If the student wishes to take part in the unique pathway, he / she will need to request it in writing to the lecturer of the subject and the degree coordinator during the first two weeks of the Semester.

    Unique Evaluation: all students will be submitted to a final exam + a specific activity specified by the teacher responsible for the subject.

    Requisits mínims per aprovar:
    A minimum grade of 5.0 will be required to pass the subject


    Scenari 1: IN PERSON: Mentoring will be carried out in person in the enabled classrooms. Communication and interaction with students will be in person and using MOODLE tools (Notification Forum - MOODLE chat) and e-mail.

    Scenari II: LOCKDOWN: Mentoring will be conducted virtually. Communication and interaction with students will take place virtually, throughout MOODLE tools:(Notification Forum - MOODLE chat), videoconferencing and email. ”

    Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

    Scenari 1: IN PERSON: Mentoring will be carried out in person in the enabled classrooms. Communication and interaction with students will be in person and using MOODLE tools (Notification Forum - MOODLE chat) and e-mail.

    Scenari II: LOCKDOWN: Mentoring will be conducted virtually. Communication and interaction with students will take place virtually, throughout MOODLE tools:(Notification Forum - MOODLE chat), videoconferencing and email. ”


    Learning outcomes:

    - Knowing the physiotherapy of diseases by identifying the manifestations appearing throughout the process, as well as the fundamental medical-surgical treatments in their physiotherapeutic and orthopedic aspects.
    - Identifying the changes produced as a consequence of Physiotherapy.
    - Encouraging user and family participation in the recovery process.
    - Identifying the most appropriate physiotherapeutic treatment in the different alteration processes, health prevention and promotion as well as in the growth and development processes.
    - Identifying the situation of the patient/user through a diagnosis of physiotherapy care, planning interventions and effectiveness evaluations in a cooperative work environment with other professionals in health sciences.
    - Knowing and applying the guidelines for good clinical practice.

    Modificació del disseny

    Modificació de les activitats:
    Classess will de adaptated in different modalities following the rules of the specific escenarios stated by the UDG.

    Modificació de l'avaluació:

    - 2 QUIZZ-MOODLE during the semester: in case of scenari I these activities will be carried out using enabled classromms, in case of scenari II: these activities will be carried out virtually.

    ORAL PRESENTATIONS: in case of scenari I these activities will be carried out using enabled classromms, in case of scenari II: these activities will be carried out virtually.

    - Clinical case: this activity will be done using Moodle tools, so it is idepedent of the scenario that is on.

    - REAL CASE EXAM: oral presentation
    - FINAL EXAM: short answer and multiple choice

    FINAL ASSESSMENT AND FINAL MARKS are going to be obtained without any modification from the previous plannification. There are no changes. This is going to be done by:
    - activities already done at class /assistance from previous COID classes
    - group activities (invers class and "in the womb" activity)
    - clinical case
    - final EXAM: this will be short answer and multiple choice using MOODLE (they are allowed to use any kind of educational material to complete the exam.

    Tutoria i comunicació:

    Scenari 1: IN PERSON: Mentoring will be carried out in person in the enabled classrooms. Communication and interaction with students will be in person and using MOODLE tools (Notification Forum - MOODLE chat) and e-mail.

    Scenari II: LOCKDOWN: Mentoring will be conducted virtually. Communication and interaction with students will take place virtually, throughout MOODLE tools:(Notification Forum - MOODLE chat), videoconferencing and email. ”

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