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Curs acadèmic:
031 La càmara videogràfica 032 L'enregistrament de so en directe 033 La narrativa audiovisual amb la càmara videogràfica 034 Il·luminación
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • B5. Treballar en equip, establint les relacions que més poden ajudar a fer aflorar potencialitats de cooperació i mantenir-les de manera continuada.
  • B6. Seleccionar i utilitzar les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació més adequades a cada situació, en els àmbits personal i professional.
  • B7. Expressar-se en anglès oralment i per escrit a nivell equivalent del B2 d'acord amb els estàndards del marc europeu de referència.
  • B8. Avaluar la pròpia activitat i el propi aprenentatge, i elaborar estratègies per millorar-los.
  • E6. Utilitzar diferent equipament audiovisual per realitzar els processos de captura, muntatge, disseny, edició i reproducció d'imatge i so, per al seu ús posterior en qualsevol format i mitjà digital o analògic


1. 1. 1. Video camera I 1.2 Type of cameras and formats 1.1.1. Característics, differences and limitations of each format. 1.2. Camera operation I 1.2.1. Power, batteries, cards, Timecodes, sound and visor. 1.3 Handheld 1.3.1. Positions and ergonomics

2. 2.2 Video camera II 2.1 Camera operation 2.1.1. White balance, lens aperture, lenses and shutter speed 2.2. Use and tripod configuration

3. 4. 4 Introduction to audiovisual narrative 4.1 Audiovisual style 4.2 Shoot composition: Rule of thirds - Golden ratio. Image selection on stage. 4.3 The frame. Type of angulations. Type of shots and applications, positions and camera movements 4.4 Axis. Line action, Match cut, 180-degree rule.

4. 3. 3. Live sound recording 3. 1. Camera and sound, techniques recording

5. 5.5 Lighting 5.2 Lighting equipment 5.2 Basic lighting diagrams 5.2.1 Basics of the lighting 5.2.2 Adjusting equipment


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Prova d'avaluació 1,00 1,00 0 2,00
Resolució d'exercicis 0 24,00 0 24,00
Sessió expositiva 15,00 10,00 0 25,00
Sessió pràctica 21,00 13,00 0 34,00
Sortida de camp 5,00 10,00 0 15,00
Total 42,00 58,00 0 100


Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Exercise I. Object description. The correct performance of the proposed exercises will be valued, giving importance to camera movements, use of automatic mode and the correct use of zoom. 5 No
Exercise II. Space description The correct performance of the proposed exercises will be valued, giving importance to the camera movements on a tripod and to the use and configuration of all the functions in manual mode.
10 No
Exercise III. Description of person based on an interview The correct performance of the proposed exercises will be valued, giving importance to the camera movements in tripod and in hand, to the use and configuration of all the functions in manual mode and to the sound configuration of camera as well as the use of the corresponding microphone. In the same way, the narrative and compositional content of the image will be evaluated. 10 No
Editing task associated with individual projects Individual exercises will be evaluated according to the post production and editing result. 10 No
Exercise IV. Group exercise I. News The correct performance of the exercises proposed in groups will be valued, giving importance to the camera movements in tripod and in hand, to the use and configuration of all the functions in manual mode. The sound configuration of the camera as well as the use of the corresponding microphone will also be valued. In the same way, the narrative and compositional content of the image will be evaluated.
10 No
Exercise V. Group exercise II. Streaming project.
The correct performance of the exercises proposed in groups will be valued, giving importance to the camera movements in tripod and in hand, to the use and configuration of all the functions in manual mode. The sound configuration of the camera as well as the use of the corresponding microphone and the correct lighting of the space will also be valued. In the same way, the narrative and compositional content of the image will be evaluated. 20 No
Final exam Assessment of applied knowledge through practice and theoretical knowledge through oral questions. 35 No


To success the subject the student will have to obtain at least a 6.

Exercises will not be evaluated if copied files to the server does not meet the following requirements:

- 16: 9, 1080p recording format and fx compression.
- Copy the images to a folder with the name of the student in the folder of the corresponding exercise.
- Group work will include a .doc file with names of the group components. Exercises not submitted on a fixed delivery date will not have the option to be submitted later on unless there is a justified reason.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
It will be declared as "Not Presented" of the subject if the average of the total percentages of tests or exams to which it has been presented is less than 25%.

Avaluació única:
The possibility of a single assessment is offered. The student will have to present youtube pilot channel, and to take the final practical exam.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
To consider the subject as passed the student will have to obtain at least a 6.

Assignatures recomanades

  • A-Cultura i pensament
  • A-Direcció audiovisual
  • A-Edició de vídeo
  • A-Estètica i teoria de l'art
  • A-Estructures i dispositius narratius
  • A-Fotografia
  • A-Fotografia creativa
  • A-Llenguatge cinematogràfic
  • A-Llenguatges contemporanis
  • A-Producció audiovisual i multimedia
  • A-Teoria i anàlisi de la imatge

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