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Curs acadèmic:
Gestió de creuers
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup EN

Semestral, 2n semestre
Josep Maria Espinet Rius
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • 5. Seleccionar i utilitzar les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació més adequades a cada situació
  • 6. Recollir i seleccionar informació de manera eficaç i eficient
  • 8. Treballar en equip, establint aquelles relacions que més poden ajudar a fer aflorar potencialitats de cooperació i mantenir-les de manera contínua.
  • 17. Comunicar-se oralment i per escrit
  • 23. Utilitzar tècniques, mètodes i models bàsics de les disciplines turístiques
  • CG.8 Identificar llocs de treball en funció de les possibilitats que ofereix el mercat –local i global- i de les pròpies competències.
  • CG.3 Treballar en equip manifestant capacitat per assolir el rol que es demana en cada context desenvolupant vincles que potenciïn la cooperació.
  • CE.8 Controlar les característiques i iniciatives de la direcció, gestió i planificació turística


1. Cruise as a product

2. The social and economic impact of the cruise industry

3. The cruise market from the supply perspective

4. The cruise market from the demand perspective

5. Cruise destinations

6. Itineraries

7. Marketing in the cruise industry

8. Cruise and sustainability

9. The challenges of the cruise industry. Special attention to the impact of COVID-19.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Elaboració individual de treballs 3,00 15,00 0 18,00
Prova d'avaluació 18,00 13,00 0 31,00
Sessió expositiva 6,00 20,00 0 26,00
Total 27,00 48,00 0 75


  • Turismo de cruceros : situación actual y tendencias (2008 ). Madrid: Organización Mundial del turismo. Catàleg
  • La Actividad de los cruceros turísticos en el mundo (cop. 2003 ). Madrid: Organización Mundial del Turismo. Catàleg
  • Dowling, E. and Weeden, C. (2017). Cruise Ship Tourism (2nd.). CABI.
  • Ward, D. (2022). Crusing & Cruise Ships. Berlitz.
  • CLIA - Cruise Line International Association inc. ÚS GENERAL DE LA WEB. Recuperat , a
  • MEDCRUISE. ÚS GENERAL DE LA WEB. Recuperat , a Catàleg
  • Espinet, J.Mª., Fluvià, M., Rigall, R., Oliveras, A. (2018). Cruise tourism: a hedonic pricing approach. European Journal of Management and Business Economics, 27(1),
  • Espinet, J.Mª, Gassiot, A., Rigall, R. (2020). An analysis of price segmentation in the cruise industry. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management,, 1-28 Catàleg
  • Espinet, J.Mª, Gassiot, A., Rigall, R. (2021). El mercado de cruceros: un análisis desde la perspectiva de la oferta. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12243.91680. IT IS NOT A BOOK, IS A REPORT.
  • Espinet, J.Mª, Gassiot, A., Rigall, R. (2021). COVID-19 in the cruise industry: changes and challenges. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27343.41129. IT IS NOT A BOOK, IS A REPORT.
  • Espinet, J.Mª, Gassiot, A., Rigall, R. (2022). World ranking of cruise homeports from a customer pricing perspective. Research in Transportation Business & Management,,

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Final evaluation of the course Final exam of the course. It will be recovered in the exam of the second call. 60
Weekly activities Theoretical and practical application of the concepts explained in class. It will be recovered in the exam of the second call. 40


The qualification criteria of the weekly activities will be explained at the beginning of the course. The qualification criteria for the exam will be defined before the end of the course.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
It will indicate 'Not Presented' in case the student is not present at the final evaluation.

Avaluació única:
Exceptionally, and always justified, in the first call the student can demand a unique evaluation. This request can be made up to the 15th of February. In this case, the proof of the first call will be worth 100% of the grade of the course and will consist of all the material explained in the course and the material that has already been studied. The date of the test will be the official date established by the Facutly as the first convocatory and it will be the same that the students of the continuous evaluation will take the exam.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
The students of continuous evaluation to pass the subject will need a mínimum of 5 in each of the parts. The students of single assessment have no specific criteria and will need 5 in the exam.

Class attendance and active participation will be considered in the final mark.

Students who do not reach this mark may take a recovery exam, which will include the entire subject - including the one explained in class - and which will be worth 100% of the mark. In all cases, before passing the course, the teacher will take into consideration the results of the work and the cases developed during the course.


Students can request individualized tutoring (in person or virtual) in which the day and time will be agreed

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

The communication channels with the teacher are the same in all three situations, except for the 'face-to-face tutorial' in the case of virtual classes. Specifically, the form of communication is as follows:

- Warnings and news

- During the classes

- Via e-mail

- Request individualized tutoring (in person or virtual) in which the day and time will be agreed

In the case of 'semi-face-to-face' or 'virtual', the teacher will check the e-mails received once a day and will answer the students within 2 working days, with some exceptions.


Class attendance is recommended to make the most of the subject

Some of the documents to review and analyze are in Spanish.

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
The teacher of the subject has programmed it in such a way that it is possible to complete all the activities on the three stages: face-to-face, semi-face-to-face and virtual.

Modificació de l'avaluació:
The subject has been programmed in such a way that it is possible to be evaluated in the same way in the three scenarios: face-to-face, semi-face-to-face and virtual.

Tutoria i comunicació:
The communication channels with the teacher are the same in all three situations, except for the 'face-to-face tutorial' in the case of virtual classes. Specifically, the form of communication is as follows:

- Warnings and news

- During the classes

- Via e-mail

- Request individualized tutoring (in person or virtual) in which the day and time will be agreed

In the case of 'semi-face-to-face' or 'virtual', the teacher will check the e-mails received once a day and will answer the students within 2 working days, with some exceptions.

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