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Dr.  Puig i Bargués, Jaume

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en Enginyeria Agrària

Brief CV

Jaume Puig i Bargués has a PhD in Agricultural Engineering and he is currently Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Girona. He has supervised more than 95 Bachelor and Master dissertations, mainly in the agri-food degrees of the College of Engineering (Polytechnic School) of the University of Girona. He has been involved in several projects of teaching innovation focused on the student selfevaluation in a teaching platform and on the project based learning. He has been visiting scientist at  Kansas State University and at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. His research is focused in the study of the hydraulical problems caused by the use of reclaimed effluents in filters and emitters of microirrigation systems. He has supervised 4 PhD dissertations on this topic. He has been researcher in 9 research projects (3 as principal researcher) funded by the Spanish Government and in other 13 funded by several companies and organizations. He is co-author of more of 75 papers published in journals included in the SCI and of more of 80 papers presented in research conferences.  Since 2014, he serves as Associate Editor for the journals Journal of the ASABE and Applied Engineering in Agriculture, and since 2023 also for the Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering.

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