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Dra.  Heras Mena, Sandra

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca Laboratori d'Ictiologia Genètica

Brief CV

Just before finishing my degree in Biology I began to develop and perfect different scientific skills in various fields of genetics. My initiation was in the study of the Mediterranean hake based on protein analysis thanks to a collaboration grant awarded by the MEC (2001). Later, I became part of the consolidated research group LIG in the line of research based on the molecular phylogeny of marine organisms through DNA.  In the first stage, the doctoral studies in the Environment Program (with Quality Mention) allowed me to obtain the recognition of research proficiency with the global qualification of Excellent by Unanimity and the DEA.  In a second stage, it was the obtaining of the title of doctor in 2010 with the qualification of Excellent "laude", the publication of 4 articles in indexed journals and an article of scientific dissemination that allows bringing science closer to society. It is worth mentioning that the 3 articles in which I appear as first author, are located in the first or second quartile. These articles are a contribution of my dedication to the research line based on the molecular phylogeny of fish of the Mugilomorpha series and the Atherinomorpha series. These fish constitute two of the most unknown groups within bony fish and with many morphological difficulties to determine taxonomic limits and to establish an adequate phylogeny. It is for this reason that it was necessary to carry out a phylogeny of genes to address the taxonomic and systematic problems inherent in each group and between them.

Thanks to the projects awarded by the MEC and MICINN in 2006 and 2010 respectively, I was able to expand the lines of research through DNA analysis to the study of population structures for shrimp fisheries management, given that the sustainability of exploited marine species depends on an adequate management strategy based on the identification of population structure. This new line in my scientific career allowed me to publish several more articles in indexed journals.

On the other hand, apart from the two main lines of research, I have been collaborating with other lines of research based on the detection of mutations that imply the appearance of a certain phenotype. As a result of this collaboration, I was also able to contribute to the publication of an article on this subject. I have currently started in a new line of research thanks to the concession of an MCIU project that deals with the adaptation of native trout populations and their implications for their conservation and fisheries management.

Finally, in terms of research experience, I have always tried to be in contact with the latest studies in my field by contributing and/or attending several scientific conferences that have been held so far. 

In terms of teaching, I currently teach classes of subjects in the area of Genetics that are mostly compulsory, both theoretical and practical in the Degree in Biology, Biotechnology and double degrees in Biology / Biotechnology and Biology / Environmental Sciences, as well as in the Master of Molecular Biology and Biomedicine. Of these subjects I highlight mainly those of "Evolution Practices" and "Genetics" that are in which I teach more hours.

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