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Dr.  Serra i Serra, Macià

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en Ciència Política

Brief CV

Tenure-track 1 lecturer in the Political Science area in the Public Law Department at the UdG. He holds a degree in Political Science and Administration from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and a PhD from Universidad de Salamanca. He has carried out research stays at the University of Manchester and the University of Perpignan-Via Domitia.

Professor of the Degree in Political Science and Administration at the UdG since 2011, where he has taught different subjects, currently Introduction to Political Science I and Comparative Political Systems. He has also taught in other UdG degrees such as Law, Criminology and Social Work. She has also taught at Sciences Po Lille and at the UPVD.

His research interests are public policy, public management, multilevel policies and comparative politics. He has published articles in journals such as Religion, State and Society, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Nations and Nationalism or Latin American Politics and Society, among others, as well as several book chapters.

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