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Dra.  Abras Feliu, Alba

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca Laboratori d'Ictiologia Genètica

Brief CV

I graduated in Biology at the University of Girona (UdG) in 2011. The following academic year (2011-12), I completed the Master’s in Advanced Microbiology at the University of Barcelona (UB) receiving the extraordinary award. In March 2017, I obtained the PhD degree from the UB with an excellent Cum Laudequalification and the International Doctorate Mention. In 2017, after finishing my PhD, I joined the Barcelona Institute for Global Health for 11 months as a postdoctoral researcher. My scientific production includes 23 articles published in indexed journals and two book chapters. The results of my research have been presented in more than 30 congresses, workshops, and conferences. I am also co-author of a teaching guide and I have 10 years of experience in university teaching. In the academic year 2015-16 I joined the Genetics Area of the Department of Biology as a Part Time Professor. Subsequently I obtained a postdoctoral position as Investigadora Ordinaria in the same area (period 2020-2022). Currently I am an Assistant Professor in the Genetics Area of the Department of Biology, and I am part of the research group Laboratory of Genetic Ichthyology (LIG). My research focuses on applying molecular markers to the study of the genetic diversity of species of fishery interest and parasites.

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