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Mr.   de Quintana Pou, Francisco Javier

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de recerca en Ecologia aquàtica continental (GRECO)

Brief CV

My research is focussed in the ecology of aquatic communities in Mediterranean lagoons and salt marshes. I mainly study the factors affecting planktonic species composition and community structure in these ecosystems, where changes in salinity and trophic state are strongly affected by irregularities in hydrology, as are characteristic of Mediterranean climate.

I am interested on the importance of body size and on the analysis of the size distribution of aquatic organisms. I mainly apply the size-diversity for the analysis of the shape of the size distribution. The use of this size-based approach in the study of the community structure is one of my main research interests.

I am also involved in some applied projects for the restoration of Mediterranean salt marshes. The aim of these projects is to recover the ecological values of some coastal areas located in touristic zones.

See projects and publications in http://www.limnolam.org 

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