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Mrs.   Paulino Valldeperez, Isabel

Personal page

Brief CV

Isabel Paulino (Sant Carles de la Ràpita, 1982), holds a PhD in Tourism from the University of Girona and is an active researcher in the field of Tourism.

She presently holds a postdoctoral position "Margarita Salas" of the UdG, doing a research stay of two years at the Faculty of Tourism and Geopgraphy of the University Rovira and Virgili. There, she is collaborating on several research projects and teaches with a Bachelor's degree in Tourism and Hospitality.
Previously, she has been a Predoctoral Researcher (2015-2018) and Assistant Professor (2018-) for the Department of Organization, Business Management and Product Design at the University of Girona, teaching undergraduate courses in Tourism and a Master's degree in Tourism Management and Planning. Furthermore, she worked in the public management of tourism in local administrations (Vandellòs and Hospitalet de l'Infant City Council and Sant Carles de la Ràpita City Council), as well as in the management of cultural tourism through consulting projects and as labour staff (Catalan Culture Agency and Consortium of the Terres de l'Ebre Museum). In addition, she started in the business area of the tourism sector of both hotels and restaurants. This previous experience gives her a holistic perspective of the tourism sector that she currently applies in her teaching and research.
Dr. Paulino is a member of the consolidated research group of the UdG ‘Organizational Networks in Tourism’ (ONIT), where he carries out research related to the planning and management of tourist destinations from the point of view of consumption. During her research, she also carried out research stays at Rovira i Virgili University and Sheffield Hallam University.
Through the research group and the Research Institute in Tourism (INSETUR), she also participated in a series of projects of regional and European interest. She has experience in projects for the geographical mobility of tourists, analysis of relational social networks of tourist agents, development of cultural tourism products, management of cultural facilities, marketing of cultural tourism products, planning of regional tourist destinations and governance of Biosphere Reserves.
She is currently an active young researcher with 10 publications, 3 of which are papers in JCR-indexed journals and others on the way. His research interests are in line with the improvement of the planning, management and governance of tourist destinations so that they are more adaptable and efficient.

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