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Mr.   Espinet Rius, Josep Maria

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en Economia, indústria i serveis

Brief CV

Josep Ma Espinet has been an associate professor at the University of Girona since 1992. During this career he has taught subjects in the field of Economics - Macroeconomics and Microeconomics - and especially in the field of Marketing and Market Research, where he has taught all kinds of subjects such as: Commercial Management, Commercial Policies, Market Research, International Marketing ... In the tourism field he teaches the subject of Cruise Tourism. He has also directed Final Degree Projects and Final Master’s Projects.

Josep Ma Espinet has worked for more than 37 years in the financial sector (CaixaBank, CaixaGirona, Banco Popular and Banco de Bilbao) where he has assumed responsibilities in different areas such as Planning and Commercial Analysis, Individual Banking, Business Control and Project Profitability) which has allowed him to propose a teaching clearly adapted to the business reality.

At an academic level, Josep Ma Espinet has a PhD in Business Administration and Management since 1999. Research specialization is the entire commercial field - especially pricing strategies -, tourism - especially Cruises - and Business Intelligence. In these areas he has published academic articles and book chapters, both nationally and internationally.

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